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  1. korvus

    Sexual Repression

    It seems as though alot of Christians equate sex or anything having to do with it with all what is typically against Christianity (pornography, pedophilia, homosexuality, etc.). Let's face it. We deal with sexual feelings all the time. As much as we feel hungry, feel we need to poo, etc...
  2. korvus

    Christianity with a rejection of Dualism

    I don't believe in good or evil. I just believe what we perceive as evil is just misunderstanding/out of context/prejudice/general lack. The Bible seems to have a very dualist mentality with the concept of two-dimensional "enemies", of which I don't believe there are such a thing. There seems...
  3. korvus


    As Christians, we all strive to be pure, like Jesus. We want to separate ourselves from our flesh, to which we refer as an enemy that must be subdued. I've though noticed a large gaping problem with this, in that a large majority of us have copious amounts of guilt and constantly running...
  4. korvus

    Conservative Christians

    To the common conservative stereotype some of us (including me) make, liberals are seen as borderline pagan heretics with a gay political agenda, and we're all conspiring. This of course is false, unless we're all conspiring through PMs in our sleep. I know though there are many open-minded...
  5. korvus

    Should children be sheltered from other beliefs?

    I know ultimately it's up to the parents to make decisions about how they're going to bring up their children in their belief systems, but do you think children should be taught about Christianity only and than Christianity is the only good way, or should children choose what they want to...
  6. korvus

    Why so much negativity about the world?

    I know there's a lot of 'evil' in the world, but why are there so many Christians with such a pessimistic view on the life God's put us in? Can't the world be a beautiful place? Aren't there any great people? God created everything, both physical and spiritual. I know the spiritual and...
  7. korvus

    What is more important, God or Self?

    God is the Whole, Self perceives the Whole.
  8. korvus

    God, thoughforms, mindsets, and sinlessness

    I recently replied a couple posts from a fellow Christian about sin and Jesus. He mentioned that through Jesus we become sinless, which initially I couldn't buy. Mainly because sin is defined as separation from God, which being a human is the start to sin. It's inevitable. - PSYCHOBABBLE...
  9. korvus

    Spiritual Strength or Overindulgence?

    This is an idea I've been pondering for a bit. When a Christian watches a lot of R/NC-17 rated films, listens to heavy/death metal, experiments with the supernatural a lot, etc., does it mean that he/she's heavily spiritually guarded and well-rounded, or does it mean he/she's easily overcome by...
  10. korvus

    A few questions as I'm thinking about attending a Charasmatic church...

    I'm looking at the Charismatic Christian movement for a bit and I'm thinking of checking it out by visiting a church for one day. But first I have a few questions: * What is the music like? There are churches that have the usual guitar+drum+singing combo and I'm wondering if Charismatic...
  11. korvus

    Art Critique Thread

    This board looks dead, so I figured I might as well post a thread for anyone to post their arts/crafts for others to critique. Please keep the thread constructive.
  12. korvus

    Should I talk to my therapist about my mind-folk?

    As .0001% of people on this forum vaguely recall, I have an imaginary friend who has her own personality and is sentient, aka a "tulpa". I've been pondering the idea of talking about this phenomena openly to a therapist, but I'm afraid of waisting his/her time in my pointless attention-seeking...
  13. korvus

    Passive Aggressivity in Christianity

    In Christianity, especially traditional Christianity, there's the concept of being piteous and humble. I believe that this is a great way to go with things, but I've noticed a lot of people who seem a little too humble to the point of being what society today calls 'passive-aggressive'; Using...
  14. korvus

    Opinions on the Illuminati?

    A fiancée of a close friend of mine has been recently talking to me about the Illuminati. The Bavarian Illuminati was originally founded on May 1, 1776 and was a secret society that aimed to 'enlighten' the word by relieving superstition/religious control/prejudice and support gender equality...
  15. korvus


    My name's Kevin and I was pressured by my tulpa Luna to join sooo... A tulpa is a separate consciousness that takes on a form in your personal perception of things. She's a Christian, and even though I'm not I think that I may have to good time checking this place out. If not I'll just stick...