Search results

  1. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    Young life in peril!!! Urgent prayer needed!!!!

    This evening in Port Macquarie,Australia a young man named Luke was swept away by flood water. They as yet haven't found him and have given up searching for the night. Search recommences at 6:30am Aussie time. Please please PLEASE pray that this young man will be protected and found! Please...
  2. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    Movie Quiz...

    Okay everyone here is a quiz I've been working on. I'll leave it up for a week and then give the answers... In the meantime post what you think the answers are! What movie starring Gregory Peck made Audrey Hepburn a household name? What was the name of the great white shark in Finding...
  3. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    Movie Quiz...

    Okay everyone here is a quiz I've been working on. I'll leave it up for a week and then give the answers... In the meantime post what you think the answers are! What movie starring Gregory Peck made Audrey Hepburn a household name? What was the name of the great white shark in Finding...
  4. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    My friend

    My friend is finding it a challenge to minister in her workplace. Her boss seems to be particularly difficult and she wants to quit. However, I feel that The Lord still wants her there. She really is struggling to love on these people. How can I encourage her and lift her enthusiasm?
  5. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    24/7 Worship and Prayer!

    My church leaders feel very strongly that we are being led to 24/7 prayer and worship! Though this is very exciting for all of us I'm wondering how it is going to work! Is anyone else involved in something of this nature and if so how have you managed it? It truly is an exciting...
  6. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    Intercession Tutoring

    Hi I'm just wondering if there are any Intercessors out there that would like to help me grow in my intercession gifting. I have been told I'm a warrior but I certainly don't feel very warrior like! Lol! I would love to become what was prophesied over me though. Any advice or prayer would...
  7. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    The Feasts of The Lord

    My church actually takes part in celebrating the feasts outlined in Leviticus 23. Of course we celebrate them with Jesus in mind. The Feast of Trumpets we celebrate because to us its all about Jesus coming again. We celebrate the Day of Atonement to celebrate the fact that Jesus is the...
  8. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    The Huggy thread

    A place to come to give and receive hugs and friendship :) FREE HUGS EVERYONE!
  9. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    You are awesome because...

    Post something awesome about the person above you. For example something such as... "You are awesome because you are my brother/sister in Jesus!" Make sure you start with "you are awesome because..."
  10. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    Help me to get 250 posts?

    Hi! I'm just looking to fellowship my way to 250 posts and make some new friends in the process! Anyone want to join me?
  11. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    My 100th post!!!!

    Yes ladies and gents I have finally reached my 100th post!!! Yay me! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
  12. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    What cheers you up?

    When you are having a yucky day what cheers you up instantly?
  13. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    What time do you get to bed?

    Are you a night owl or get to bed early?
  14. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    The thankful thread of thankfulness :)

    Simple... What are you thankful for today?
  15. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    Lost and Scared

    Hi there, I'm really struggling in myself right now. I have this longing to help my friends but no one seems to need or want my help and they don't understand why I get distressed. I feel like a crummy friend and like my job is not being done. Right now I'm unemployed and very...
  16. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    A Thread to cure Boreloneliness

    Yes I have a serious case of boreloneliness! That epically dull yuckiness consisting of boredom with a sudden onset of loneliness. Is there anyone to come to my aid? Bible verses, jokes, chit chat...ANYTHING??? I will give you many huggies!
  17. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    My Mum

    Hi lovely people. I just want to encourage you all in your battles. Your defeats and victories. My Mum is an alcoholic and has been quite bad since I was 10 years old. It's certainly had an affect on me but the thing is it has tuned into a very positive one. It was because of Mums...
  18. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    Any other Opera lovers out there?

    Hi I was just wondering who else loves operas in the CF community?
  19. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    G'Day peoples!

    Hello Everyone! :wave: It's great to be here at the Christian Forums! :clap: I'm not going to say much here cause I want you all to come meet me and have some chat time! That way I can get to know you! I will say this... I'm not really engaged in the natural but I did say I am engaged...
  20. PrincessBrideOfChrist

    Head coverings...

    Hi I was just curious about women wearing head coverings. It seems there are a few ways of looking at it. Firstly, it is literal and women should wear head coverings. Secondly, it is a social thing where women normally wore their head covered and having it uncovered meant you were disgraced...