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  1. G

    The Journey For Truth

    In year 2022 I've had one of my best friends that passed away in a car accident in March, and my dad losing battle with Leukemia in May of 2022. These bad events I believe made me seek for the truth to answers in life that I have had prior. I became born again in year 2012, but prior years I...
  2. G

    New Here - My Testimony

    Hello, I first came to Christ in 2012. The search for truth began in late 2011. I never bought into the theory of evolution as that logically made no sense to me. I discussed this with a good friend of mine at the time, which he said to talk to his mother about this topic. I did, and she gave me...
  3. G

    Cross On Father's Forehead!

    My father has a small interest in God but don't know if the following means anything. He has psoriasis but I still wonder if waking up from a nap with a red cross showing up on his forehead means anything! My mom came up to me today and told me about it and I thought it was really...
  4. G

    Cross on father's forehead!

    My father has a small interest in God but don't know if the following means anything. He has psoriasis but I still wonder if waking up from a nap with a red cross showing up on his forehead means anything! My mom came up to me today and told me about it and I thought it was really interesting...