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  1. axydavid

    Hi! Producer here, let's make a song together, us from christianforums, interested? Have a look!

    Just go over here for more details: https ://
  2. axydavid

    Hey guys, producer here, let's make a hard rock song together!

    So I recorded this demo, it is not the best mastering but it will do for now. This is a nu metal riff I came up with. I usually make electronic rock/dupstep/classical music so making something lick pure hard rock is kinda challenging however I was thinking let's do something like an open source...
  3. axydavid

    Weird pink situation

    Hello, I'm weird, who are you? Weird is a caveindividual, weird likes to hide there and bake pizza. Weird also like to hit stones and pretend it's classical music. Weird ignores "the outside" because it's too weird. What should weird do?
  4. axydavid

    (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) Who is Going Merry?

    This thread is for guessing who going merry is, if you can back up your facts it's even better. I think that this individual likes anime. Enough for me to start digging and see who this person is. Who is this perso and do they still exist on CM?
  5. axydavid

    Wanting to be creepy 101

    Hai guys, I just feel like creeping random people out by asking them on dates. Do you think I'm doing it right? If they're not freaked out by that should I propose to them? Send them flowers? Should I be nicer by getting to know their parents first?
  6. axydavid

    AMA, I am a weird creature, so don't expect your regular answers!

    Hai guys so I thought I'd do this AMA thing, I don't care about privacy as long as you're not selling it so chances are I'll answer pretty much any kind of questions. But seriously guys, ask anything!
  7. axydavid

    Your thoughts on eccentric people

    Hai guys, I was wondering what's are your feels about eccentric people in general including but not limited to work/school, friendship, dating, etc. I'm just curious to know how different individuals views eccentric people throughout different areas of their life. An eccentric person is pretty...
  8. axydavid

    Meditation, good or bad?

    So guys I have a silly question, I was wondering whenever meditation is a good or a bad thing, more explicitly whenever it's a sin or not?
  9. axydavid

    [Idea] Would you like to connect to fellow christians and not be dissapointed?

    Do you know that feeling when no one understands you and you feel so frustrated that you want to punch trough walls? Do you know that feeling hen you try to connect with people only to be horribly disappointed and possibly hurt? I was thinking of making some kind of group of 4-5 people where we...
  10. axydavid

    Rate the music above you!

    Basically you have to rate the music from the post above from 1 to 10 then put a link of your favourite song from youtube. P.S. don't quote as it's a waste of space, write their username but don't quote their whole message please, have fun!
  11. axydavid

    Do you make/produce/compose music?

    Hello guys! 2 years ago I made a similar thread and got interesting responses. SO here we go once again: What kind of music you make? How did you start it and why do you continue? Post a link of your favourite song you made so far, if you can't post links just write the text in red, for ex...
  12. axydavid

    Do you make music?

    Hello guys! 2 years ago I made a similar thread and got interesting responses. SO here we go once again: What kind of music you make? How did you start it and why do you continue? Post a link of your favourite song you made so far, if you can't post links just write the text in red, for ex...
  13. axydavid

    *for producers* EDM/Electronic rock mixing

    Hai, so I have a question if anyone knows, I am struggling to get a decent sound of some songs that i've made and they are like dnb with some electrical guitars and some occasional wobbles, now I know mixing is a very..... personal opinionated thing but I'd like to know where you would place the...
  14. axydavid


    Hello, my name is David and like to make music and poetry. I have been a christian for as long as I remember and I'd love to make new friends. Please pray for my struggles and I hope I'l have a good time here. Cheers
  15. axydavid

    Anime with strong female character /Anyone using MAL?

    I was wondering if anyone here uses MAL if yes please do add me. And any reccomandations of anime with strong female characters that actually do something than being numb?
  16. axydavid

    Best game you've ever played?ma

    Mine is Half-Life 2 and one reason is because it dosen't make any fanservice out of womans. Not to speak of the unique feeling the game gives.
  17. axydavid

    Do you make music?

    So I'd like to know if there's anyone out here who actually makes music, if yes I would appreciate if you'd say the genre, how it begun and if you want, a song. As for me I make electronic psychedelic metal. It all started out when my girlfriend left me.... I found it as a better way to...
  18. axydavid

    Addicted to masturbation

    I guess I'm not the first one here who seeks help about this kind of thing. I have been masturbating since I was 8 and I have been trying to stop it since 6 months ago when I realized that it was wrong(talk about being slow). The main problem is that my family sees masturbation as something...