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  1. looking4joy

    Why did God want to dull the eyes, ears and heart of His people?

    I was reading in Mark 4:10-12 But when He was alone, those around Him with the twelve asked Him about the parable. And He said to them, "To you it has been given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God; but to those who are outside, all things come in parables, so that 'Seeing they may see...
  2. looking4joy

    church's view (non-denominational) on the mentally ill

    So what do you guys think of the severely mentally ill in your community, church, or family? 1. Do you believe they are evil manipulators, or that they need love and grace and kindness showed to them? Do you believe they a. are demonic, b. possessed by demons, or c. oppressed by demons? Why...
  3. looking4joy

    Struggling to know whether I'm saved or not

    I have trouble implementing the truth into this dense mind of mine. I have confessed the same sins over and over, have told God I need a Savior, and I believe Jesus is that Savior, and I'm scared and need him to love me and be my friend. I don't know if I'm not yet a Christian or whether I'm a...
  4. looking4joy

    becoming frustrated with myself

    I am a Christian with a porn addiction. In my younger days, before the addiction, I seemed to equate any sex as a bad thing, although I was a hypocrite to myself because I masturbated about every night. I felt guilty for it too. When I was 18, I had drifted from home and was seduced by a lady...
  5. looking4joy

    my testimony

    Hi, I am not new here to the forum. I joined at least 5 years ago or so. And although I called myself a Christian, I doubted in some major important ways. I have battled in a spiritual battle for about 24 years starting out at the age of 20, when I sought out to find the Lord. Along the way...
  6. looking4joy

    struggling with repeated sin

    I don't know if this counts as being a valid thread inside "Survivors of the Sex Industry." I was never employed by the sex industry. But I'm a guy who has frequented strip bars, have problems with pornography, and have done more things I am ashamed of. So the sex industry has had a profound...
  7. looking4joy

    1000 year reign - sacrifices in the temple?

    Why will there be animal sacrifices during the 1000 year reign of Christ? (Ezekiel 43)
  8. looking4joy


    I'm afraid. I've confessed my sins to God, and told Him I need His help in getting through this and to bring me out of sin. All I know is troubled times. I hate myself and I just need God to help me. I'm crying right now. I can't think of more to say.
  9. looking4joy

    I am grasping how unworthy I really am without Christ

    Lately I've been finding out how unworthy the old man of mine is to be considered a child of God now that I have faith in Jesus. I have a very warped heart. There are so many ways I need to change. I know that He makes me worthy by His finished work on the cross, the propitiation, the...
  10. looking4joy

    Should mentally ill Christians go to a special service?

    I'm mentally ill, and I understand that the average Christian doesn't know how to help me, spiritually and emotionally. My feelings about spirituality get intertwined with my emotions, which are flattened on the outside of me, but active to a level on the inside of me. I ask the pastor a...
  11. looking4joy

    I can't feel emotional about anything

    I have a problem that has been plaguing me for years. I'm a Christian and supposed to have a soft heart, right? Well, I was reading on another forum site, not related to religion or anything on this site - about a guy who had passed away on this other forum... a forum regular who passed away...
  12. looking4joy

    what to do when revealing the Pharisee within

    I don't know what has happened to me. I've been reading some more of the threads already on here, and one person asked, "Can I make myself have faith?" That sounds like me. I feel like I have gone down this path too. Although, I always have felt a twinge of what is acceptable behavior and...
  13. looking4joy

    pride, seeing our depravity and blindness, and regaining sight

    I really get upset when I see a couple of things: someone proud of their piety, and someone who likes to be pretentious. Pride is such a subtle thing. I've dealt with pride, I still do. It's almost as if the only reason why seeing pride in others upsets me is because I am uncomfortable then...
  14. looking4joy

    rewards, judgment seat of Christ, and the 1000 year reign

    At the judgment seat of Christ, are we earning rewards and responsibilities to oversee the kingdom of God for the 1000 year reign or for eternity or both?
  15. looking4joy

    God wants a real sinner, not a fake one

    I'm noticing something new in my walk with God. For a long time, there's been a lot of "you should love others", "you ought to walk as Christ did", "you should be this and be that." I have put forth effort to do these things, and I don't think God intended for us to do these things when we...
  16. looking4joy

    Judgment day for believers

    All God's people will be judged by Jesus for the things we've done, good or evil. From the time we've accepted Christ to that present time we will be judged. What can we expect? What will it look like to "suffer loss?" What can we do today to make sure He calls us a faithful and good servant?
  17. looking4joy

    sexual immorality in Corinth

    The man in 1 Cor 5 who was having relations with his step mother was removed from the church and sent to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his spirit would be saved on the last day (vv 2 - 5). In 2 Cor 2:5-8, Paul talks of restoring a brother whose punishment was inflicted by the...
  18. looking4joy

    bipolar and hypersexuality: poll

    Some people believe there is a link between bipolar disorder and hypersexuality. During the manic episode, a person can be risky with his/her sexuality, or have the tendency to be promiscuous. If you would, participate in this poll. I am a person with bipolar disorder and I am also...
  19. looking4joy

    God's Anger and His Anger Turned Away - comparing two sets of people

    17 Therefore the Lord will not rejoice over their young men, neither will he have compassion on their fatherless and widows; for every one is profane and an evil-doer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. Isaiah 9:17...
  20. looking4joy

    Laban's Treachery - Genesis 29:21-35. Jacob's two wives

    Jacob had seen Rachel, Laban's youngest daughter, and wanted her as a wife. Jacob and Laban agreed Jacob would serve him seven years for Rachel. After seven years, Jacob said to Laban that he wanted his wife, so that he may go in to her. Laban prepared a feast for the event. Then at night...