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  1. MyLordMySavior

    **ASAP** Suicidal and Atheist Sister

    ASAP Prayer, please. My little sister has depression and has slowly been becoming more so ever since telling us she was an atheist. Recently, she has become even more withdrawn and is beginning to worry her own friends and our family about being potentially suicidal. My mother is taking...
  2. MyLordMySavior

    How to talk to my depressed atheist sister about God...

    Hello, My family is going through some struggles right now. My litter sister - 16 years old - has lost herself. I'm not sure when it started, but I'd pinpoint it when my mom put her in a private catholic high school. Since then, she has become obsessed with the sciences, ambitious but also...
  3. MyLordMySavior

    I love him, but I'm forbidden. Christian advice, please...

    Hello, After the last 20 years of turning down every male who's approached me and praying for a man who God saw fit, I've finally found him. When you read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 on what love is, when you read the fruits of the Spirit, it embodies him perfectly. He's... the best MAN I've ever...
  4. MyLordMySavior

    I Had Dream of Jesus, mean anything?

    I remember one very detailed part. For a majority of my dream, I was praying for others, for the Lord to forgive them and save them. Then, I remember thinking, "I need to pray for myself." What I remember next was just falling on my knees and Jesus then standing beside me. I didn't look at him...
  5. MyLordMySavior

    Timing and His Control, do you Trust Him?

    Hey, I just wanted to share a quick experience as a reminder towards trusting God. I've been really stressing the past few days. God's giving me many opportunities so I can head towards my career, but the past few months I've felt like I haven't been doing enough in the department I was working...
  6. MyLordMySavior

    Why do atheists seem to obsess over something they don't believe in?

    I am just surprisingly overwhelmed by the number of athiests and agnostics on Christian Forums. I'm not hating you for it, go head, do you! I was just wondering...why? I don't believe in Buddha. But you don't see me arguing over him for hours, talking about him, thinking about him... I don't...
  7. MyLordMySavior

    The most beautiful love story in all of human history.

    Someone told me how they don't think God would become human because it is degrading Him, but I just feel the exact opposite. Is it not glorifying Him? For Him to become human, not to sin and remain perfect, perform miracles, cast demons, heal us, be tempted as a human in every way yet remain...
  8. MyLordMySavior

    I had a dream about the Rapture. Does it mean anything?

    Now, lucky me I always remember majority of my dreams with great detail, so hopefully I don't leave anything out. A few weeks ago, maybe 3-4, I had a dream I was in my dorm room. I was laying in my bed, and I had the feeling something was coming. Just, something didn't feel right. At either...
  9. MyLordMySavior

    This "christian community" wolves in sheeps' clothing?

    Hello, it's been a while since I have posted, but I have a concern. A couple days ago, my brother was trying to convince me to see "This Is The End". I didn't want to see it and said, "No, it is a mockery off of Revelations." And to my horror, my "christian" brother said, "Revelations isn't...
  10. MyLordMySavior

    Is it bad that I've decided not to go to Church tonight?

    I go on Sunday always, but Wed night is Youth. Usually we sing worship songs and go on into the message for that night. Well, last time and tonight we are just watching a movie called the "Grace card". No worshipping through songs. I don't want to go because I want to LEARN! Not sit for 40...
  11. MyLordMySavior

    Silly/Cute things you have asked God for!!

    *No judgment here!!!* What are some silly or cute things you have asked God for? I ask God to kiss me goodnight whenever it's time for me to go to bed. :blush:
  12. MyLordMySavior

    Amazing verse that stood out to me. Check this out!

    I was reading over the Bible and found this verse. It jumped out at me, and I was excited to find it. Isn't that awesome? You read the New Testament more than once, and you can read over the same lines for the 15th time and still... you will always find something new that you didn't see before...
  13. MyLordMySavior

    What is your opinion of the portrayal of Jesus in The Bible Series

    Honestly, I liked it all the way up until the 4th episode. I was put off by the way the actor portrayed Jesus. To me, it made Jesus seem super happy and carefree. I didn't like that. The "Jesus portrayal" was literally smiling the entire time and I don't think it was like that actually. From...
  14. MyLordMySavior

    Jesus Christ appearing to Mary Magdelene

    Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene 11 Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb 12 and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot. 13 They asked her, “Woman, why are you crying?” “They...
  15. MyLordMySavior

    My Pastor said something false today?

    I go to Hope Church and there are great preachers! Preacher Rufus doesn't use a teleprompter and is wonderful. Then, there is another who used a teleprompter. For some reason... I just do not like his preachings. I don't want to bash or say mean things, so I'll stop there. Today, however, he...
  16. MyLordMySavior

    God audibly spoke to me?????

    This has been bugging my mind. Whenever I hear of a person's supernatural experience, I think back over my life and try to remember if I have had any. Usually, I can't remember anything but I just remembered this. Whenever I was really young, I believe like 7 or 8. Not sure. I got two...
  17. MyLordMySavior

    Really miss Jesus.

    I know He is with me, and I understand that I cant see, hear, touch, or smell Him. I also understand that I can't talk with Him. I know I can talk to Him through prayer, but not an audible conversation. I'm just sad because I really really really miss Jesus in the sense that I can't...
  18. MyLordMySavior

    Being a Christian is hard

    Sorry for it being long... It's hard. :( God obviously doesn't want us to sin. I don't want me to sin! But I do. Over and over and over and over and over again. I feel like I just don't know if I am doing stuff right. Whenever, I am about to watch something, listen to, or see something I...
  19. MyLordMySavior

    Praise God! He protected my twin from possible death yesterday!

    My twin sister was protected by God, and I praise Him! She was on the way home yesterday from High School cheer and was on the interstate. There was heavy traffic from an accident, so it was almost at a standstill. She was stopped behind a car in the traffic when she checked her rear view...
  20. MyLordMySavior

    The topic of Heaven.

    Hi! :wave: I have a pretty vivid and wild imagination, and always love to ponder on the prospect of my life after this earthly one, so I want to ask 2 questions to anyone willing to share... 1) What do you imagine Heaven to be like? 2.) What do you imagine you will do in Heaven? I'll...