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  1. mjolnir81

    Is it normal to fear the church

    Today I ventured in to my first church in maybe 10 years and I was filled with fear like I didn't belong there I was hope it would because positive experience but instead I came out feeling worse than I went in, I have no doubt that this fear is the work of the devil and I hate myself for not...
  2. mjolnir81

    The samaritans

    I've recently found myself unemployed and with no prospect of paid work in the imidiate future I have decided to do some volunteer work manning the phones for the samaritans, I recently went for an induction session where I was told if I had a caller that is on the verge of suicide you are not...
  3. mjolnir81


    Has the lord given up.on me because sometimes it fee,so like it, I am a sinner I've tried to change for the better but always revert to my old ways and fear it might be too late for me I pray for forgiveness but kg feels like no one is listening
  4. mjolnir81

    Please pray for my grandfather

    My grandfather tony Nickerson has recently been diagnosed with limfatic cancer he is 85 years old and the doctors are not holding out much hope, although he begins chemo shortly they say due to his age and despite ever decreasing health it maybe to late. Please pray that the chemo works and my...
  5. mjolnir81

    Modern day prophets, do they really exist?

    We're all aware of the biblical prophets, my question to you, is do you belive in today's society it is possible for a man to not only speak to God but also revive a reply? The reason I ask is when I was 18 years old I had an experience which I truelly belive to be a calling from the lord but...
  6. mjolnir81


    Hello friends, my name is lewis I'm 29 years old from the UK and I have been a Christian all my life although recently returned to the faith after somewhat of a hi attus.