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  1. Hope4LessPain


    I have COPD along with other medical issues. Has anyone else found that the medicine interferes with your other meds. Like the breathing treatment meds will make my other meds not be as effective.. Feel free to comment..
  2. Hope4LessPain

    Addison's Disease

    Hi, I've had Addison's Disease or also known as Adrenal Insufficiency, since about 1992. Mine was brought on by a tumor removal on the pituitary gland. My Addison's is controlled with meds every 12 hrs, so I'm stable. Was wondering if anyone else has this, since its very uncommon. I find that...
  3. Hope4LessPain


    Thought i'd start a new thread on CRPS/RSD. It affects the nerves, so maybe this is where the thread shoud be.. Lets start a thread on this if anyone else has it. Praying for less pain if you do.....
  4. Hope4LessPain

    Anyone else with CRPS/RSD

    I've been diagnosed with CRPS/RSD. and was told its a chronic disease. I've been living with it for 4 years now, and it has affected other parts of me now. Is there anyone else on here with this? If so, maybe we could form a group to talk and share our experiences in dealing with this.
  5. Hope4LessPain

    Anyone else with CRPS/RSD

    Looking for other christians to talk with that have RSD/CRPS Basically they are the same and cause constant burning pain which you know if you have this. If you have this lets get together and form a group. Sometimes the pain is at least tolerable if we have someone to share it with... Hoping...
  6. Hope4LessPain

    Please Pray For My Son

    I've Not Heard From My Son In Almost 1 Year, And He Used To Always Call Me To Let Me Know He's Ok. He Had Strayed Onto The 'wrong Path Of Decisions' And Drew Away From All Of Those Who Love & Care For Him. But Thru All Of This, He Still Kept In Contact With Me. ... I'm Praying Hard For His...
  7. Hope4LessPain

    New Here & Need Prayer Please

    Hi! I'm new here, but would like you to pray with/for me. I have RSD & need Gods help with getting the treatment & meds I need for the Pain. Thanks