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  1. B

    "Standing on the Edge"--a message for the forum.

    You are at the cross-roads. Standing on the edge of the known, gazing into the abyss. Beyond which is only true belief--letting go of your prior life and abandoning it to God. You may have spent your entire life thinking, there is no God. There is no help. It seems there is no one to help you...
  2. B

    Why are courting and married forums separate?

    So, help me to understand. We have separate forums for courting couples, and married couples. You can't post in courting if you're married. You can't post in married if you're courting. I started off posting in courting, and then got married, so I got my "magic ticket" to the married forum...
  3. B

    Israel Houghton "Alive in South Africa" video?

    I just heard this for the first time and good! There is a youtube video of it with very good sound: But, the aspect ratio is off. I was wondering if anyone knows where to locate the full HD video of this concert. BTW if you haven't checked...
  4. B

    Don't discount people!

    Just felt moved to tell my story. I met my wife in the first year of grad school, in my class, and at the time I thought I was an "atheist". I came from a broken family and was lost. However something was continually drawing us together (I now realize this was God), but we were both hesitant...
  5. B

    Modernity + Christianity...what is Sin?

    I struggle with this concept. I think I understand the Christian definition of Sin as a willful disregard for God, a sort of "turning away" from truth that breaks the bonds between humans and between God and humans. But as a new believer I also feel the need to merge these mystical ideas with...
  6. B

    Feudal language of Christianity

    Here is one issue I have found while exploring Christianity. I was listening to a song today in which Jesus is described as a King and as a Lord...and I began to think that this doesn't really fit how I see God and Jesus. The words "King" and "Lord" imply a person who is above you, that has...
  7. B

    Different interests or deeper issue?

    What do you do if your partner is really into something and you just aren't? For example my girlfriend has this thing with Anime culture, to the point where she goes to the big conventions with her friend who is also into it. They dress up and put a decent amount of time into it. I guess it's...
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    A conversation with God

    I guess this is my first post here :) For some reason I stumbled on these forums and I've been seriously working on growing in my spiritual journey these past few days during a much needed spring break from grad school. Anyway, I had what I believe was an authentic conversation with God tonight...