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  1. Ana the Ist

    Ye Olde Guv'ment Censorship

    The government has a big case before the SCOTUS. Posters here probably recognize it as the "Twitter files" as it largely came out of piles of data Musk made available to independent journalists after his acquisition of Twitter. Twitter had, by that time, effectively become an arm of...
  2. Ana the Ist

    Yet Again, At Planet Fitness... Man uses liberals to sexually harass women... No seriously, that thing that basically all conservatives said would happen when liberals passed laws to allow men into women's...
  3. Ana the Ist

    NPR Whistleblower Explains How NPR Became Propaganda Great read...and likely a similar story as many "left-leaning" but otherwise formerly reputable news organizations. I used to consider NPR a rather reliable source before they took a nosedive in the shallow end of the pool. Here's...
  4. Ana the Ist

    New Study Shows Puberty Blockers May Cause Permanent Harm Who would have thought that blocking the natural development of children would have significant lifelong consequences? That study, and Professor Grossman's comments...
  5. Ana the Ist

    CNN finally tells the truth

    Short story...4 different polls all have Trump leading. Biden continues to decline. I'd call this a powderkeg. Thoughts? Edit-
  6. Ana the Ist

    NJ Democrat Commits Mail-In Voter Fraud Now, if you're thinking " sure took a while to find this voter fraud" you're correct. It did. Why? Because at a glance... it appears no voter fraud occurred. Registered voters...
  7. Ana the Ist

    Poll Shows Dems Losing Voters Gallup says Democrats have lost more black and Hispanic voters than ever. Not hard to figure out, those groups are hit hardest by this administration's poor policies. Dems also now losing amongst men...
  8. Ana the Ist

    I Don't Know What to Make of This

    Normally, this would be conspiracy theory nonsense. It appears these are facts though. There's no stories in anything remotely resembling a legitimate source other than the one I posted. These look like actual motions and...
  9. Ana the Ist

    Nothing Unusual About This...
  10. Ana the Ist

    Gag Order Lifted

    Because, of course, human rights and all that stuff... Former President Trump attacked a clerk of the judge overseeing his New York civil fraud trial...
  11. Ana the Ist

    Odd These Don't Seem to Make the News

    Some of these are old...but I don't recall anyone talking about them. Certainly not for long anyway... As discussed in my previous...
  12. Ana the Ist

    A Perfect Metaphor For Our Times

    Astronauts dropped a tool bag. You can follow the instructions in the article to watch the tool bag circle the Earth before it incinerates upon re-entry. If you don't understand why a bunch of high IQ...
  13. Ana the Ist

    Trans Manifesto Leaked

    I'm sure we all recall the trans shooter of a Tennessee private Christian school. Not difficult to see why the media suppressed this...and the administration. It's filled with the far left...
  14. Ana the Ist

    This Didn't Age Well...

    Old clip of Biden speaking about the danger Trump poses to international relations with Iran... Trump, famously, killed Iran's best general in a direct strike....removing one of our most dangerous enemies in that region. The resulting counter strike from Iran gave some soldiers...
  15. Ana the Ist

    The Most Ironic Case Of This Century, And The Media Silence

    Some may recall that on October 3rd...journalist, social justice warrior, Democrat supporter and progressive political activist, gay man and staunch LGBTQ ally... Josh Kruger....was murdered in his home in Philly in a baffling case...
  16. Ana the Ist

    Billionaire Talks "Wage Pressure"

    Great video clip explaining why the 0.001% wealthiest want open borders and endless immigration I'm not really a fan of Rubin, I don't watch the Rubin Report (the few times I've seen it, it appears to be 90% grandstanding and 10% substance) but this short clip nails it. As we've seen the...
  17. Ana the Ist

    Baltimore Public Schools Try To Hide Failure

    Everyone probably remembers that Baltimore Publix schools are some of the worst in the nation. Those unaware of just how bad they were might have learned this fact from a story about a student who graduated at the middle of his high school class despite failing every subject except physical...
  18. Ana the Ist

    Hassan Minaj Is The Jussie Smollet Of Comedy

    Hassan Minaj was a comedian "correspondent" with The Daily Show under Jon Stewart back when it was still funny. Later, after Stewart left the show, Hassan was revealed to be a stand up comedian with a couple of Netflix specials (which I found more preachy than funny) and also had a Daily Show...
  19. Ana the Ist

    FSU Professor Fired for Faking Research The academic was fired after almost 20 years of his data — including figures used in an explosive study, which claimed the legacy of. lynchings made whites...
  20. Ana the Ist

    NASCAR In Hot Water

    Just like Best Buy, NASCAR has been exposed as discriminating against white men. Applicants are required to meet multiple requirements, one of which is being a member of one or more ethnicities, with...