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  1. SQLservant

    Church Rules as Monastic Rule

    Yet another silly speculation from me; just what you've always wanted! For conservative evangelical churches which have rules and standards as conditions of membership (e.g., no drinking, smoking, dancing, or TV), I've had the thought that one must approach them in the same way as monastic...
  2. SQLservant

    Protestant Mysticism

    It's occurred to me that mysticism, while the word is not too common, is alive and well in Evangelical Protestantism today. The term used instead is "personal relationship with Jesus," and the language used to describe it is that of a friendship or romantic partnership. This figures a generally...
  3. SQLservant

    What I Dislike About Evangelical Services

    I I've stumbled upon a reason for why I find the average Sunday service at an Evangelical church to be shallower than a liturgical service. Most non-Eucharistic services in Protestant churches follow the same basic structure of the Daily Office, that is, song and then instruction. However, the...
  4. SQLservant

    Baptismal Regeneration

    So I was reading Ephesians 2 and came to the part about Christ putting to death "the law of commandments contained in ordinances" and so making peace between the Jew and the Gentile. Immediately, my Evangelical upbringing piped up and said, "See? Jesus put rtual to death! How can you say that...
  5. SQLservant

    Making a Decision For Jesus

    Hello all. I've had this question arise in my mind recently, and would like to know a bit more on the topic. Decisional regeneration, the idea that someone is saved when they ask Jesus Christ into their hearts, or accept him as their personal Lord and Savior, or however else it is phrased...
  6. SQLservant

    Staying Relevant

    Today the C of E commemorates that great hymnodist, John Mason Neale. I read on a blog (some sort of Western Orthodox blogger, I think) that Fr Neale's eloquent translations were spurred by a belief that the Church at large would lose the ancient hymns and a precious piece of her heritage if...
  7. SQLservant

    Just How Calvinist Is the PCUSA These Days?

    Pretty much all in the title. Having done a little research, I have yet to see anything of double predestination or perseverance of the saints in statements issued by this church, much less limited atonement or anything down that road. What's the experience of Presbyterians today? Do these...
  8. SQLservant


    In a decision as close as it gets, the US Supreme Court has finally ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional. Your thoughts?
  9. SQLservant

    A Question of Obviously Extreme Importance

    Just kidding! I've got a queseion instead regarding the common Evangelical practice in the Eucharist, namely the use of little shot glasses rather than a chalice or similar vessel. When did it begin, and why?
  10. SQLservant

    What's Everyone Think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer?

    In particular, his (and Barth's) so-called "religionless Christianity." Am I the only one with huge problems with this idea, or sees its immense popularity as a bad thing? For those who do agree with it, what am I missing?
  11. SQLservant

    BCP or CW?

    Which does your parish use (for those readers in the UK), and which do you prefer? I currently attend a non-liturgical church, but I fancy myself an Anglican at heart, and I like to read Morning Prayer from Common Worship when I get the chance. I like the order and the responses and the...
  12. SQLservant

    James 2:24

    "Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only." If one were to accept the doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone, how does that line up with the words of James, be he one of the Apostles or the Lord's Own brother? For reference, the Greek...
  13. SQLservant

    Patrick - Just What WAS He?

    Of all the ancient Christians outside the Bible, few are so readily claimed as their own as St. Patrick, the Apostle to the Irish. Catholics and Orthodox claim him as one of their own, as do some Baptists, Holiness, Pentecostals, and even SDA's. Common among these Protestant groups is the...
  14. SQLservant

    1 Corinthians 4:6

    I have to ask about this, as I've seen it in several translations. NIV - Now, brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, "Do not go beyond what is written." Then you will not take pride in one man over...
  15. SQLservant

    Tollitne Usum Abusus? Christianity and Alcohol

    There are today certain denominations that condemn the use of alcohol, or at least "recommend complete abstinence." I've still not understood why that is, particularly those based on John Wesley's ideas. How does this square up with Sacred Scripture, where the consumption of alcohol...
  16. SQLservant

    CotN and the Sacraments

    I read the Nazarene version of the Articles, but I see only vaguery regarding the Sacraments. I know there is a lot of leeway, being a congregational, evangelical body, and Baptist and Anabaptist ideas have made significant influence, but what is the official (as well as the in-the-pew) view of...
  17. SQLservant

    Do Dogs Recognize Their Own?

    I got my lady a puppy for her birthday a few months back, and she's the most adorable thing you've ever seen. She's fluffy, she's playful, she's surprisingly easy to teach tricks; she's everything a little dog should be. There's just one problem... Our wonderful little puppy is a racist...
  18. SQLservant

    Christian Metal... Is Any of It Good?

    After a recent discussion with someone about music, I've come to wonder if there was any Christian metal that was worth listening to. I generally don't like CCM of any sort because I find it to be generally selfish and shallow, and so I listen to mostly secular music (which is equally selfish...
  19. SQLservant

    I Never Believed I'd See The Day...

    ...that Hostess shut its doors. Truly, the End Times are upon us. Source
  20. SQLservant

    Are Some Sins Worse Than Others?

    Are there different degrees of sin, or does God's justice require the fibber to receive the same punishment as the serial killer? What do you think and why? For me, I believe that there are different degrees, but I don't know exactly why I believe so, particularly when Matthew 5 and James 2...