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    Helo joining Men struggling with pornography forum?!

    Hey guys I tried to enter the struggling with pornography forum and it wouldn't let me, it says I need access to be able to enter. Can someone help me out?thx!
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    Snakes/Giant Anacondas Symbolic Meaning???

    Hey guys, hope you have all been doing well!!! Haven't posted on here in a while been busy as of late and haven't been dreaming too much. I had an interesting dream last night I wanted to share with everyone. A little background: I have had several dreams about snakes throughout my life. And a...
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    I had a dream last night that I was playing in a basketball game with a bunch of random people. I was playing unbelievable and scoring a ton of points. My walk with God as of late has been amazing, I am breaking past boundaries that I have never broken past before, and he's taking me to higher...
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    Had a dream I was with a bunch of people from my church and we were getting ready for service to start. One of the leaders of our church amongst the men began throwing up on the floor, and it was the most random thing ever. Anyone know what that might be symbolic of, this is the second dream...
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    Had a dream last night that was pretty cool, it was a fun type of dream, not dark at all. I was playing basketball for this league that I use to play in from 3rd-11th grade. Except now I was older (I'm 22 now), In this dream we were playing a game and there was a lot of people in the bleachers...
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    Had another dream about the Netherlands last night, i was at a giant electronic dance music festival with a few friends hangin out with one of my favorite djs. This is the 3rd dream i have had about visiting this country. What do you think God is trying to tell me
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    Driving car in reckless manner

    Had a very vivid dream that i was driving a car down a freeway veru recklessly. I wad passing cop cars as wel and didnt get pulled over because i slowed down around them towarrds the end of the dream i got off on a ramp and began hittong the railing. It felt like i was drunk
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    U.f.o./alien Dream Signs & Wonders

    Last night I had a pretty bizarre dream. This isn't the first dream I have had about u.f.o.s. and aliens I have had several dreams the past few years, and I believe satan and his demons have been using this and are going to deceive many people with it. The dream took place in my back yard...
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    Wild Dream Netherlands/Sharks/Crocodile/Ocean/etc.

    Hey guys, I thought I would share this dream I had with you last night it was incredibly wild....I'll break it down into segments so it doesn't get too complicated.... So basically the beginning of the dream I was at the airport with my best friend. We were departing from Chicago or Denver.The...
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    Had a pretty interesting dream last night. I was with one of my friends from church and we were near the ocean. There was a huge group of us from church, and a lot of other people I did not recognize. As me and my friend put life vests on, we then took our boogie boards and went right into the...
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    11:11 & 1:11

    I have been noticing 11:11 & 1:11 a TON the past few months, and this last week it happened every day. Is there anyone who knows what this means if anything (Please NO SARCASTIC replies)
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    Hey guys!!! I was addicted to this drug for about a year, and at first it was fun and games but became very dark. I definitely payed a price for my sins. Anyone have stories of their struggles with this drug????
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    Vision/Dream of MAGNIFICENT EAGLE & Believers being taken with JESUS

    Just woke up from the most beautiful amazing vision/dream I have had in my life. Me, my sister, a family friend, and a few other people I did not recognize (all of whom are Christians and have relationships with God) were driving in a car during the day in Colorado (were I live). As slow down...
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    Vision of Eagle soaring

    I was in prayer in my bible study the other night, and suddenly began having a vision of an eagle, it looked fierce & mighty, and was flying through the sky, how does this relate back to my spiritual life/the bible???
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    Moving near Ocean

    Another dream I had last night was pretty weird as well. My family & I were moving into our new house. This house was in a wealthy neighborhood/private community. There was a humongous pool there, in like a club house type thing. If I had to guess the location it would be in southern...
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    City of Water

    Had a crazy dream last night. Me & my co-workers (who travel around the country installing security systems, and are actually going out of state this weekend). Well we were traveling by flight to a foreign country in Europe (I think it was either the Netherlands or Poland). As we were getting...
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    Recurring dream My father has about India

    Hey guys my dad has had this dream that repeats itself for the last 20 years he told me. It's pretty simple, he's on a plane to India. Now our family lives in Colorado, my parents have traveled to the U.K. & Ireland, but that was almost 10 years ago and they haven't had any plans on traveling...
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    Hey all, hope you are having a great day. Had a dream last night that I wanted some insight on. A little background about myself though, I was heavily into the rave scene in 2010, I did ecstasy as well about 10-12 times and definitely learned my lesson, it all happened for a reason.Went to one...
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    Ex girlfriend

    I have had 3 back to back dreams the past few nights in which my ex girlfriend from almost 4 years appeared. A little background I was very young back 17-18 than and we were both sexually active, it was a very hard breakup for me, and eventually led me into a year long period of ecstasy use at...
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    Another U.F.O. dream

    Hey guys the other night I had an extremely vivid dream about u.f.o.s (I have had probably 4-6 other ones since last year that I can remember very well. Basically I was outside near the mountains in Colorado, with a few of my friends, there was a huge group of people looking up towards the sky...