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    It has to be one the most misused and inappropriately used abstract nouns in the English language! Bigotry : "Intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself" Firstly, it is almost always used in a negative sense. Tolerance is positive and intolerance is negative. But life...
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    True Islam is.... typified in: Muslim extremist/ terrorist/ jihadist groups (ISIS, Boko Harem, Hezbollah etc etc) ? Muslim leaders/ heads of state - past & present (various Ayatollah's, Grand Ayatollah's, Cleric's/ Mullahs, Grand Muftis etc etc) All other muslims (excluding the 2 categories above) ...
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    Is there any evidence Islam is true?

    ....was my google search. And i came across this link :'an%20Is%20His%20Message%20to%20Humanity%20By%20Hassan%20Ali%20El-Najjar.htm According to this...
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    WARNING: Do NOT read this if you are easily offended!

    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For...
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    Is John the Baptist Really Elijah the Prophet?

    Robert Breaker thinks so:
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    Islamic State

    Initially I thought that Islamic State would enter Europe via Turkey, however it is now totally clear that they are entering via Libya. Regardless, the threat is moving towards this country rather than away from it. How do you as a Christian feel about this? Are you prepared to stand by...
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    Atheism - a desperate and dying breed?

    Christianity is also a dying breed. But one thing it doesn't feel the need to do is to try and distort, deceive and kid itself that it is more relevant than it is. Christianity isn't relevant to most people. We know that, it's unfortunate but the church in this country is largely to blame...
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    Stephen Fry - asked What He Would Say If He Met God

    Recent clip of Stephen Fry's reaction when asked what he would say if he met God (assumed Judeo Christian variant..) Anyone seen it?
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    Stephen Fry - asked What He Would Say If He Met God

    Recent clip of Stephen Fry's reaction when asked what he would say if he met God (assumed Judeo Christian variant..) Anyone seen it? Stephen Fry on God | The Meaning Of Life | RTÉ One - YouTube
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    Charlie Hebdo - defiant or plain stupid?

    Re. this mornings headline: BBC News - Defiant Charlie Hebdo depicts Prophet Muhammad on cover Stupid in my view. It's the equivalent of taking a good kicking in the playground and not learning any lesson from it.. It's also irresponsible if further potentially completely innocent...
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    Why are some Christians so easily offended?

    The Christmas day tweets by Neil deGrasse Tyson (see Neil deGrasse Tyson stirs Christmas Twitter war - "On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform the world. Happy Birthday Isaac Newton b. Dec 25, 1642," This is objectively TRUE. Most Christians - I would...
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    Google Trends 2014

    Just watched this: Quite interesting what the general themes coming out are...
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    Religion is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on humanity?

    Might seem strange to come from a Christian, but this is exactly what Jacob Prasch claims in the below video clip: Q&A show with Jacob Prasch - Part 1 on Vimeo The first 12-13 minutes are essentially his testimony in condensed format. However - go to 9 min 20 secs in to the clip. He...
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    The Atheist Experience/ Matt Dillahunty

    Anyone ever watched this before on You Tube? What do you make of the guy who presents it - Matt Dillahunty?
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    Your church

    How did you choose the church your currently attend? What influences your decision making process? Is it your local church - i.e. the church geographically the closest to your home? If not, why do you not attend your local church? My answers to the above: I attend our local church...
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    Christians - what is your position on evolution?

    A peripheral matter for some people I know, and i personally fully confess that I do change my view/ opinion every so often.. However, for the sake of a forum thread etc (feel free to ignore if this is the same old same old).... Is evolution (the process of change and diversity within a...
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    What is "true" Islam?

    According to a member of the Muslim community in Salford interviewed on BBC News this morning (in light of the Alan Henning killing) "true" Islam is about "compassion and forgiveness". But I ask the question, is this actually "true" Islam or is this what (arguably most) Muslims would like...
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    Mark Driscoll

    Mark Driscoll's 'Empire' Is Imploding, Says NYT; Megachurch Pastor to Make Special Announcement Sunday hmmm....interesting Will be interesting to hear what his says tonight on this....
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    A comment beyond belief?

    Richard Dawkins Says Unborn Babies With Down Syndrome Should Be Aborted; Pro-Life Group Slams 'Sick and Twisted' Comments Dawkins speaking during the "Rock Beyond Belief" festival and quite frankly I find his comments beyond belief.... Surely no vaguely moral atheist would go along with...
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    Lack of belief...?

    I was reading the below article recently.. Infants and Uninformed Children are Atheists: Atheism is the Default Position; Theism Must Be Indoctrinated The reason for reading this was because I realised 2 things recently: (1) the vast majority of people I know are not Christians, and (2) the...