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  1. M

    Matthew 5:19 (least in the kingdom of heaven?)

    The Greek text of Matthew 5:19 reads ὃς ἐὰν οὖν λύσῃ μίαν τῶν ἐντολῶν τούτων τῶν ἐλαχίστων καὶ διδάξῃ οὕτως τοὺς ἀνθρώπους, ἐλάχιστος κληθήσεται ἐν τῇ βασιλείᾳ τῶν οὐρανῶν· ὃς δ’ ἂν ποιήσῃ καὶ διδάξῃ, οὗτος μέγας κληθήσεται ἐν τῇ βασιλείᾳ τῶν οὐρανῶν. From the commentaries I've read on the...
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    New English translation?

    Is there a new English translation of the Greek New testament by an Orthodox priest named Fr. Hart? And does anyone have a copy? I'd be interested to know how he translates James 1:7 and Luke 6:30, as I'm not sure I've ever understood either passage. Can "παντὶ δὲ τῷ αἰτοῦντί σε δίδου, καὶ...
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    Prayers of priest before celebrating the divine liturgy

    Hi everyone. I'm Anglican Catholic, and I recently heard a priest who came to us from the Greek Orthodox communion saying some prayers before he celebrated the Divine liturgy (on the feast of St. Catherine of Mt. Sinai last week.) It sounded like he was asking God to protect him from the...
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    Long Distance Absolution

    In the Orthodox Church, is it possible to receive absolution over the telephone (if distance, insufficient car fare, or other circumstances keep you from getting to an Orthodox Priest, or keep the priest from getting to you)?
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    Confession and Absolution over the phone

    If there's no traditional Anglican Church near you, and an Anglican priest over two hours away is willing to hear your confession and grant you absolution over the phone, is it valid?
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    Absolution over the phone

    In the Orthodox Church, is it possible to receive absolution over the telephone (if distance, insufficient car fare, or other circumstances keep you from getting to an Orthodox Priest, or keep the priest from getting to you)?
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    Trying to understand Gematria

    I'm trying to understand what (if anything) G-d is telling us in Gematria. Could anyone tell me why the Hebrew "life" (בחיי), "Judah" (יהודה),"kill" (הכה), "Ahitub/my Father is goodness"...
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    Slips of the tongue during prayer

    I visited an RC Church on Palm Sunday, and the Priest asked God to bless Benedict, and help him lead the Church (or words to that effect.) He went on to pray for Pope Francis, but I assume the opening words were a slip of the tongue (because Benedict the XVI is no longer leading the RCC. If I...
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    C.S. Lewis and The Bible Codes

    Most of us have heard about the Bible codes, and most of us think they're just coincidence. But did C.S. Lewis believe in coincidence? What was he trying to say here in the passage from Perelandra? "It is not for nothing that you are named Ransom," said the Voice. And he knew it was no fancy...
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    Can the devil use dreams

    I've never read "The Lives of The Saints," and I don't really know how or where to get a copy (Is that the whole tittle?), but I understand there's a lot of information in there about the trials and temptations of monastics. Can the devil cause disturbing, confusing, or misleading dreams that...
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    Can the devil cause dreams?

    Can the devil cause disturbing, confusing, or misleading dreams that lead to doubt and despair? Can he do this more than once, or would the second dream confirm that the first dream was of God? Please reply.
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    I got up in the middle of the night last night and put the T.V. on. They were re-airing the Mike Huckabe show, and some guy was talking about Divine Alignments. I think it was the same guy who wrote a book called "When God Winks," and I'd like to know how many of you believe there's no such...
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    Are all good feelings from God?

    I know some (non Orthodox) believers who seem to think that all feelings of love, joy, and peace are from God. They would say that if you get a warm peaceful feeling when going to a particular Church, or reading a particular religious text, it must be of God, because the devil could never give...
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    Is This For Real?

    Could this be some kind of forgery (and does anyone know how long "666" has been in the lower left hand corner)?
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    Apocalypse of St. John by Vangelis

    Has anyone heard of a double album by a Greek performer/composer named Vangelis, called "666/The Apocalypse of St. John/The Lamb"? Some say it's an attempt to put the book of Revelations to music, but some say it's sacrilegious. If anyone's heard of it, how would you rate it?
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    1 John 4:2

    How did the Church Fathers interpret 1 John 4:2 ("every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ come in the flesh is of God"), and did any see any connection to 2 Cor. 11:4 ("another Jesus")?
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    Oldest Old Testament Codex

    What is the oldest (Christian or Jewish) codex of the Old Testament (the Torah, the Prophets, and the writtings--called the Tannach by the Jews)? I mean the oldest codex of the Old Testament as a seperate, single volume (in book form, whether in Hebrew, Greek, or Latin.) Does anyone know?