Search results

  1. E

    Has anyone here been the sponsor at a Romanian Orthodox wedding?

    My husband and I were just asked to be sponsors to a young couple. The groom, who we know, is a convert in the OCA. The bride, who we have met a few times, is Moldovan and Romanian. I cannot find anywhere online a list of what the sponsors are required to purchase in advance or pay for in...
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    Moderators, please remove if this is not an appropriate request

    Hello to all at TAW, where I have to confess I haven't visited for a time, since I've been spending most of my time in the life stages part of the forums. I'm back now to (if the moderators allow) ask for help on behalf of a young Orthodox friend with major, major medical needs and bills, a...
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    Falling loonie

    For all Canadians out there...ISTM that our government is being SLIGHTLY disingenuous..they are reporting food cost increases in the realm of 2-4% increases over last year...except that in the last six months produce costs alone (fresh produce, not organic) have often more than doubled.. .Some...
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    Sort of scared to begin sewing project

    I know it seems beyond silly, but I just need some encouragement. My husband and I are almost finished with some remodeling projects, one of which is a window seat and the box cushion cover for it. We have bought (expensive)fabric, materials, etc. This is to be my first sewing project since a...
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    Proverbs 14.1 What do you do to build your house?

    Proverbs 14.1 "A wise woman builds her house, while a foolish woman tears hers down by her own efforts." For all the women out there (men, feel free to toe in about something your wife does that "builds your house"), what do you do to build your house? Do you make a conscious effort to build...
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    Market Basket Strong!!

    For those of you in MA and NH, what do you think of the ongoing struggles, where are you shopping now?
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    Dawn phenomenon help?

    Recently diagnosed as diabetic, meds seem to be working all during the day except at night...I have a nice, normal blood glucose reading at night before bedtime, and by morning it has gone up quite high...even higher than some post-meal readings. Both my nurse and my dietician say this is...
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    Coffedoxy and Heterodoxy :D

    Coffeedoxy and Heterodoxy | Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy
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    Ready to begin the wait....

    We just got the word from our adoption social worker that we've been approved to adopt, and we just need to pick up our copy of the home study and sign off on it, and then we join the list of waiting parents, hopefully to be matched quickly! :clap: We're so excited! Please pray for us!
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    Dear birthmom letter?--need advice

    My husband and I are in the final stages of our homestudy: Our social worker is recommending approval (though it needs a supervisor's sign-off to be official). Our problem is that we need to write a "Dear Birthmom" letter, and are unsure where to start. There are many good examples on the...
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    Catholic Principal Fired for Promoting Pro-Life Activity

    Glory to Jesus Christ! I'm posting this article here not to debate with you, but because this makes me so truly sick at heart. My husband and I are very involved with the 40 Days for Life vigil (my husband has often given midpoint and wrap-up homilies). We have written to protest the...
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    Does anyone know where I can find....

    URGENTLY WANTED: A 2007 copy (bilingual) of the Dobrij Pastir (Good Shepherd) Ukrainian Orthodox Service/Prayer book? All I can find are the old 1953 Ukrainian only book. This was published by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada. If anyone knows of any place likely to have this...
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    May we all remember our veterans today

    I'm proud to live in Canada, where we remember those who laid their lives on the line for our freedom.:crosseo: May their memory be eternal! First World War Poems - In Flanders Fields by John McCrae
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    Healing Prayers for three people needed

    Prayers, please for a woman named Nora, who is very ill and on the lung transplant list. Her friend called me today to tell me, and this same friend just found out that her last remaining brother Michael has stage four lung cancer. Prayers also for Leo, who is 90 years old, and suffering...
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    Advice or "just' prayers for the tasks we struggle with

    I've been thinking that we all have tasks we intensely dislike as part of our daily contributions to our marriages. For instance, it bothers me that I dislike gardening so much that even though I'm home all day, I don't make anywhere NEAR the effort I should to help DH with the gardening...
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    Bishop Savas of Troas new Metropolitan of Pittsburgh!

    Bishop Savas of Troas Elected Metropolitan of Pittsburgh — Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
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    Are you smarter than an Orthodox 5th grader? QUIZ

    A Day in the Life of the Youth Director: Are You Smarter Than an Orthodox 5th Grader? Hullo all! Just dropping by with a quiz that caught my eye elsewhere. :wave:
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    US Religious Knowledge Quiz

    U.S. Religious Knowledge Quiz Just for fun. Putting it here because I wanted to see responses, not just to who knew what, but to the quiz itself. I got 14 out of 15 correct, but I have to say that the quiz was not particularly relevant to me. I felt more attention was given to religious...
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    St. Nicholas GO Church in NYC to be rebuilt!!

    Just announced! Glory be to Jesus Christ!:amen:
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    Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

    For all my Canadian friends, have a blessed Thanksgiving, enjoy the richness of family and friends and God's bounty. (And drive safely if you're travelling):wave: