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  1. B

    Attachment Parenting Christian Parents?

    I'm finding it very difficult to find some parents I can talk with who are in the same boat as me. We are Christians,and parents to a beautiful 13 month old daughter, but unlike a lot of our Christian friends, we parent along the AP style much more closely than the "typical" Christian families...
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    Cannot escape these dreams-what is going on?

    Alright folks so this was night 15 of these awful dreams. At the start I put it down to pregnancy hormones (they are getting the blame for everything right now!) but now I'm not so sure. I'm going to give you guys a bit of backround info about whats been going on lately and then tell you what...
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    Sex threads? Always? Really? Ugh!

    I just wanted to make a point that for any "non-Christian" reading these threads about sex in a Christian marriage it is not a very good reflection of Christ-like behaviour towards one another. People make very valid points for and against and that's every couples own choice how sex is in their...
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    Sex and Pregnancy?

    So Im sure Im not the only one wondering this right? I'm finding it quite difficult to keep up with hubby's needs during this early stage in pregnancy, I'm so tired all of the time, and when I am not tired, I am dealing with Morning/All day sickness. He's been really understanding about it...
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    (Book/Tape)Supernatural Childbirth- Jackie Mize

    Good Evening Ladies (and any men that are reading!), So a friend called over after I'd announced our fantastic news to her! :clap: She's got a 5 week old beautiful little princess and almost squeezed the baby outta me.. ^_^ Anyway she dropped over 4 books, and I read this one last night. I have...
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    First Pregnancy, 4Wks&4Days, Hi Everyone!

    Good Morning Everybody, So we just found out we are due our First baby on our first wedding anniversary! :) April 7th 2011. I'm 23, be 24 when baby gets there. Hubby is 29, be 30 when baby gets here. We've known each other since I was a toddler and have been best friends for years. We are...
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    What do you together for fun?

    Hey there! :wave: So this weekend my Husband and I are going Go-Karting. We like to do one thing every week together just for fun and we take turns in choosing the event or activities. Surprisingly I've really gotten to love paintballing and go-karting and my husband really really enjoyed horse...
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    Married3months, we want a baby-everyone is saying WAIT!

    Hey guys and girls! I decided to come on here and get some advice on our situation, hubby and I have been married 3 and a half months now, we own our home mortgage free, hubby has a great job and I recently lost my job. I have been trying so hard to get a job and Ive been getting interviews but...
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    Im really struggling with "familiy" and life... I really feel so alone...

    I didnt know where else to turn. This will be a long post.... My life seems like hell lately. My nana died on June 5th, after Id taken care of her for 3 weeks solid, with my Mum. My Mum was realy a grand-daughter, but was raised as a daughter if u get me? She was 1 of ten "siblings". Who...
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    For or against. Why?
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    Marriage worries! Im engaged to be wed in April!

    Alright so here goes. Ive read, and heard teachings on " in Gods eyes, your first sexual Partner is your husband" So I got saved when I was 17, I wasnt a virgin at the time. I only got serious with God 2 years ago. I had slept with 3 different men since I got saved. Does this mean that in...
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    Please help me!

    Ahhhh Guys, Forgive me before I start this for the rant. I didnt know where else to turn. Backround info. Mum is an alcoholic. Lovely person sober. Would do anything for anyone. Shes an entirely different person when drunk and I really hate the person she becomes with Drink. I changed my...