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  1. jacks

    Remember to be thankful.

    Sometimes I forget what I've prayed for and then don't thank the Lord. Recently I prayed that a couple of issues would be resolved. They were. However, it wasn't till later that I realized I had prayed about it and my prayers were answered. The Lord gives us so much and answers so many of our...
  2. jacks

    Shoot first and ask question later?

    Does it seem strange to anyone else that we are shooting down objects, without knowing what they are? And then we can't find them! Why not send some helicopters to accompany the jets that shoot them down? At least then we could track them. Not sure what is going on. HERE
  3. jacks

    What is it with dogs? (Don't read while eating.)

    What is it with dogs? I was taking my faithful pup on a stroll today and like always she runs over to whatever is the most disgusting thing she can find. (This may include but it is not limited to: rotten fish, dead things, poop, unrecognizable offal, etc.) Now I know that a dog’s ability to...
  4. jacks

    Like Options

    It is always a bit difficult to get used to a new interface, but it looks good. My only concern so far, is the Like choices. Having negative options "Sad" "Angry" I think will add to the animosity that is already growing on CF. Especially the Sad option, it won't be used to express sadness...
  5. jacks

    Now if I could just find my car keys...

    A friend sent me THIS article. I found it very encouraging, hope you do too. THE BRAIN OF AN ELDERLY PERSON. The director of the George Washington University College of Medicine argues that the brain of an elderly person is much more plastic than is commonly believed. At this age, the...
  6. jacks

    Sign Language Question

    I have a question about the growing use of sign language in political speeches and news media. First let me say I'm very hard of hearing, having worn hearing aids practically all my life and have been told I really need a cochlear implant to function. I also know a fair amount of ASL and have...
  7. jacks

    Have you gotten a vaccine shot?

    There may be other threads on this but, I haven't seen them. I thought it would interesting to know who has gotten a shot, which vaccine and their experience. I'll start. :) I got the Moderna Vaccine about 3 weeks ago. I had a sore arm and felt a bit rundown for a day, but really no other side...
  8. jacks

    Something good about Super Bowl

    I saw these articles about some players in the Super Bowl. While overall I've been disappointed in the stance of the NFL on certain issues, it was a reminder not to group everyone together or think of a whole group of people (NFL players) as being the same. Who knows I might even watch them...
  9. jacks

    What is this telling us?

    I was looking at Seasonal Flu cases, which are way down. CDC says seasonal flu cases hit record lows around the world. Fore example: In the United States, circulation of the flu virus dropped sharply within 2 weeks of the government declaring a national emergency March 1. From a flu test...
  10. jacks

    I know I'm being wimpy but...

    I can't wait until the whole Covid thing is over, so I don't have to see people getting shots and swabbed. It seems to be in every news cast, why they need to focus in on the shots and swabs I don't know. I just close my eyes until it is over! (Note: in keeping with this forum rules the photos...
  11. jacks

    Would it be too much to ask...

    No matter who wins tonight, wouldn't it be nice if we could all show some class and be gracious about it?
  12. jacks

    URL Question

    Just wondering if anyone can explain these very long and cryptic URLs. Below is the URL as originally searched for by my browser...
  13. jacks

    Happy International Friendship Day and Handwashing

    As you celebrate International Friendship Day I thought I'd share this video on hand washing. After all, friends don't let friends have dirty hands! (Note: you need to click on Watch this video on Youtube...but it's worth it.)
  14. jacks

    Seems like a good start.

    No matter what you may think of Trump, his latest police reform package seems like a good start. Here are 3 of the main points. SOURCE I believe it also bans choke-holds in non-lethal situations. Creating credentialing and certification programs in every police department across the nation...
  15. jacks

    Compassion for atheists

    I know it can be trying to deal with combative atheists, however we should remember, all they have is their own limited understanding of the material world. They are surrounded by the spirit of the the Lord, but they can't see it or feel it. They're blinded by their logic and myopic view of...
  16. jacks

    We are all in agreement, now what?

    I think the vast majority of people agree with the premise of the George Flyod protests and what happened to him was wrong. So what is the next step? Specifically what would the protesters (and others) like to see happen? It would be interesting to hear specific ideas and not vague calls for...
  17. jacks

    Some things are just naturally good.

    I was thinking about Cream Cheese. Is there anything made with Cream Cheese that isn't good? HERE are 75 Cream Cheese recipes. My personal favorite is Cheese Cake. (New York style!)
  18. jacks

    Home Made Masks

    Now that we are being advised to wear at least home made masks. It looks like we will be making our own. There are many good sites for designs. HERE is one. However, what I found interesting was THIS site, that talks about what materials are best and their relative effectiveness. Bottom line...
  19. jacks

    Just a reminder

    For some reason there seems to be an increase of trolling lately. Once you see they aren't really interested in discussion, stop. Don't play their game. The best tactic is to treat them like spam phone calls...ignore them! By doing this you will help make CF a more interesting, constructive...
  20. jacks

    The Bright Side of Corvid 19?

    Just kicking back here "social distancing" and was thinking about all the good things about COVID 19. (This isn't to downplay the bad, but they are being discussed everywhere else.) These are just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are many other advantages. 1. More unity among people of...