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    Hitler and Ancient Israel

    This question is not exclusive to calvinists, but I want to post it here. This video by an atheists brings up a good point about how you can compare the situations between events of the old testament and nazi germany. Christians defend one but condemn the other. He goes into other things toward...
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    What does prayer mean to a Calvinist?

    What is the purpose prayer if God has already preordained everything? What does prayer actually do?
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    looking for church history resources

    I'm wondering if any of you can recommend some good resources for studying on church history. Much appreciate it.
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    Need help with the youth at my church.

    Another young adult in my church and I are trying to start a youth ministry at our church directed toward the 18-29 year old age group. I would say regular attendance at our church to be around 50-70 people every week. The two of us are in our early 20's and there are probably about 10 people in...
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    May seem like an ignorant question but...

    Is there something specific that non-denominational Christians believe that separate them from other denominations (yes, I know it's strange that I'm speaking about non-denominational christians as if it was another denomination). How exactly does being a non-denominational Christian make you...
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    How did you come to Christ?

    This is for people who came to Christ later in life or were born in Christian families, but didn't really believe until later. It would be nice if you can share your stories about how you came to Christ and what factors drove you to him? I ask because I will be getting baptized soon and it...
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    Something that blew my mind...

    So I went to sabbath school with some of my friends at their church and we were discussing what God meant to us individually. One of my friends pointed out something that really got everyone thinking. If God did not bring us to heaven if we believed, or if we didn't go to hell if we didn't...
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    Does the bible mention anything about spirits?

    A lot of cultures believe in spirits of some kind. The kind I'm focusing on are the earthly spirits, like the kinds believed to exist in eastern religions. Just wondering if the bible mentions anything about them or anything that remotely resembles them. Like if they're real, if they're not...
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    Jews or Romans or Both killed Jesus?

    Just wondering what you guys say, some people have told me different things. Biblical evidence means everything to me!
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    Hell is a place of eternal suffering?

    Just wondering if anyone can give biblical references where it says hell is a place of eternal suffering. Or if you have another interpretation of hell, please say what it is and give biblical evidence for it. Thanks!
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    Never heard of Jesus

    I've heard view position that if someone never heard of Jesus and Christianity, they will be accepted into heaven since they never had the chance to accept Jesus. Do any of you agree or disagree? And if you agree, would you mind helping me find something in the bible that supports the view?
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    Trying to understand these verses

    A man wrote an article on his blog explaining how the bible supports Sunday worship. In one of the sections he says these verses say Jesus gave the Church the authority to change the 4th commandment. I am personally having trouble understanding the verses and hopefully one of you can explain...
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    Have any of you guys had a vision of God of some sort?

    Many people have told me that they have felt that God was communicating with them at one point or another in their lives. Have any of you guys ever experienced this? If so, what was your experience like?
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    Bible taken litterally or no?

    I notice there is a strong skew on this forum for one side, but I will just ask this question anyway. Bible should be taken litterally or no? Why do you think the way you interpret the bible(litterally or not litterally) is how you should interpret the bible.
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    Do you think animals can be accepted into heaven?

    Many Christians have told me different answers, so I guess it's just a matter of denomination or opinion. Do you guys think animals can be accepted into heaven?
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    Taking the bible literally

    It seems to me that in order to be a good Christian, you have to take the bible literally, otherwise you are just making things up with nothing to back you up. However though, although you have to take the bible literally as I see it, you should also understand the bible in the context that it...
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    Christian and Evolution

    I don't understand how some people can say they are Christian and also believe in evolution. The bible clearly states that God created Man from the ground and Woman from his ribs. Evolution supports that man evolved from a more primitive primate. I just can't understand how people can be so...
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    How did the bible come to be?

    Does anyone know who organized the bible and how did they choose which scriptures would be in the official canon and which ones wouldn't?
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    Can homosexuals get into heaven?

    Well, it seems to me that since homosexuality is no worse than any other sin, if they accept Jesus' forgiveness and have that relationship with Him, they should be accepted into heaven, don't you think? I'm just asking this since I have some Christian friends who think all homosexuals will go...
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    Sexual Sin

    What would be considered sexual sin in Christianity? I know having sex to have babies would be fine. Adultery is stated wrong. But what about a married couple who are just feeling in the mood? Would that be a sin? Any biblical evidence?