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  1. Aldebaran

    Does Jesus look to find fault with us?

    Something I noticed while looking through Revelation, especially near the beginning when Jesus addresses the seven churches. There seemed to be an emphasis upon faults of each church. This seems to run counter to the idea that God sees us as perfect because He sees us in his Son Jesus. However...
  2. Aldebaran

    Google deactivating inactive accounts Dec 1st.

    Some of us may have Gmail accounts that we keep to store things in G-drive, or to use as alias accounts, but may have been neglecting to use them for the past couple years. But in just a few days, they will disappear unless you log into those accounts...
  3. Aldebaran

    And then they came for the birds, but there was no one left to tweet

    Even as we now have World War III possibly in our near future, there are still those who are hard at work with far more pressing issues, such as reinventing, reimagining, and renaming everything. Even the birds are immune from being targeted...
  4. Aldebaran

    Hillary Clinton calls for "Formal Deprogramming" of Trump supporters

    In Hillary's latest Orwellian recommendation, no doubt for the government to administer..... Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton railed against supporters of former President Trump during a new CNN interview, comparing those who still support the former president after the Jan. 6, 2021...
  5. Aldebaran

    Let's talk about Joe Biden's successes!

    I'll start with this one. He has successfully followed the law regarding money allocated for the southern border wall, and this will likely bring in Conservatives to vote for him in the next election when they see he isn't so totally against the idea of having a wall on the border that he's...
  6. Aldebaran

    What are these? Are they edible?

    My Dad has a tree in his yard that drops these things, and deer seem to love them. My Dad says they're crab apples, but when I googled images of crab apples, they always appear to be more round like actual apples. The ones from my Dad's tree are more elongated. They do smell like apples...
  7. Aldebaran

    Biden going to picket with auto worker protesters

    Another photo-op for biden: President Joe Biden will travel to Michigan on Tuesday and walk the picket line with members of the United Auto Workers union, he announced Friday, a trip that comes after the president...
  8. Aldebaran

    Eric Adams' about-face on migrants in NYC now that they are there

    Mayor Eric Adams of New York started out claiming that New York City was a city of immigrants, and claimed that his administration would reflect that. However, reality has set in for the mayor, and has finally realized that the fuzzy warm rhetoric about "diversity" doesn't fully describe the...
  9. Aldebaran

    Black man shoots 6 year old white girl and both parents--Media bias in reporting based on race

    Once again, someone opens fire on harmless individuals. However, the narrative changes once again when the shooter is black and his victims are white. CNN decides not to mention the races of those involved this time, unlike when they reported an incident where the races of those involved was...
  10. Aldebaran

    Is no one above the law (in Tennessee)?

    The common mantra we've heard after the protest at the US Capitol on January 6th, 2021 is that no one is above the law. However, the law seems to be applied a bit differently depending on who is doing the protesting. In the case of 2 individuals who are lawmakers in Tennessee, they got to...
  11. Aldebaran

    Silicon Valley Bank--First woke, now broke!

    More proof that going woke and aligning with ESG standards doesn't make for a successful business. But at least they were all on-board with all the Woke buzzwords and phrases being thrown...
  12. Aldebaran

    Is Earth in God's "Great Reset"?

    We keep hearing about how bodies of water in various places (like California) are drying up. Even the Euphrates River, which is mentioned in Revelation 16:12 is already drying up. In Revelation 21:1, it is said that the Earth will no longer have any sea. That seems to indicate a continuance...
  13. Aldebaran

    Sam Brinton caught stealing luggage at airport

    Sam Brinton, the MAN (he/him) who is in charge of securing our nation's nuclear waste material has been caught stealing luggage at the Minneapolis airport. If biden didn't have a reason to not have someone like this guy in such a sensitive position before, he certainly does now---assuming he...
  14. Aldebaran

    Biden says U.S. must not tolerate hate.....

    .....even after he himself has repeatedly referred to his political opposition as: "MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies."...
  15. Aldebaran

    Americans say country is on wrong track, but votes to stay on it

    In numerous polls prior to the 2022 mid-term election, Americans say they believe America is on the wrong track, or headed in the wrong direction. With democrats in power in both the executive and legislative level, it makes sense that they would not vote to keep the same people in power, but...
  16. Aldebaran

    Democracy is on the ballot?

    "Make no mistake — democracy is on the ballot for us all." That's a statement from biden's speech last night, which was supposedly meant to unite America just 6 days before an election where the party named after democracy is predicted to take huge losses. Remarks by President Biden on Standing...
  17. Aldebaran

    Paul Pelosi/Rand Paul attacks comparison

    Today, the news is that Paul Pelosi was attacked at his home by a guy wielding a hammer. The media organizations are taking it seriously, and of course, are taking the opportunity to blame it on Trump supporters--claiming that it's their "violent political rhetoric" that caused someone to do...
  18. Aldebaran

    Hillary Clinton preparing to engage in election denial

    Not only did she accuse Trump of stealing the 2016 election, now she's saying this for 2024: "Right-wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election. And they’re not making a secret of it," said Clinton. "The right-wing-controlled Supreme Court may be poised...
  19. Aldebaran

    When the Satanic Temple sues over abortion restrictions.... know which side abortion truly appeals to. "Details: In latest lawsuits, the temple argued each state's ban violates the rights of people who took contraceptives and still became pregnant, denying the right of an "involuntarily pregnant woman" to engage in the "Satanic Abortion Ritual."...