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  1. Jeffwhosoever

    Pre-Mil Only What do you think about the video from a Pastor on YouTube?

    I came across this recently and the Pastor who created the video makes a very simplistic case for why a pre-tribulational rapture seems unlikely based on a relatively brief amount of Scripture. I found the simplicity of his explanation quite useful so I am curious what you all think about his...
  2. Jeffwhosoever

    Prayer for my friend whose husband left her after 30 years plus of marriage

    A friend of mine's husband decided to choose his girlfriend over his wife and family and left them today. Please pray that God changes her husband's heart or intervenes directly to change his mind as I have heard the Holy Spirit has done for others I know. Just pray for the Lord to lift up...
  3. Jeffwhosoever

    Prayer Request for Jeffs friend Tamera

    I have a friend on the way to Washington DC to push patient advocacy. Please pray for her to receive all the financial aid she needs and that her mission is an overwhelming success as she fights for many of God's children.
  4. Jeffwhosoever

    Pre-Mil Only Can those who were non-believers at the start of Tribulation survive the 7 years then get saved and enter the 1000 years w/o dying as martyrs?

    I thought I had tribulation figured out until I finished the book on Dispensationalism required for my seminary class in bibliology and theological method. But according to our textbook, some will enter the millennium that get saved during the tribulation, refuse the mark of the beast, survive...
  5. Jeffwhosoever

    Praying for our pet Max a black male Persian who has been a part of our family for 15 years

    Calling for a miracle as Max is in the hospital with kidney failure and heart disease. Only a true miracle could save his life. We were blessed to have Max be a part of our lives but he has been the sweetest, most affectionate, and smartest pet we have ever owned, and his passing will leave a...
  6. Jeffwhosoever

    Please pray for my friend Angie and her mother who just finished chemo

    I ask everyone to say a prayer tonight and continue to pray for my friend Angie who lives in Arizona and has a mother who just finished chemo for cancer and is back in the hospital due to concerns over a potentially dangerous blood clot. In Christ, Jeff
  7. Jeffwhosoever

    Pre-Mil Only Rapture: The Final Four?

    This is a well done evaluation of the rapture timing that I found intriguing. It does a good job of referencing Scripture to back up timing analysis and assumptions they did mostly empirically much as several of us have done. No it is not perfect and it is strictly a Pre-trib Pre-Millenial...
  8. Jeffwhosoever

    Please pray for my friend Bob S who has a really bad virus and my other friend Angie G whose Mom has cancer

    I have a good friend BoB S. and another friend Angie G. who live in Arizona. Bob is very sick and unable to get decent cough medicine thanks to the illicit fentanyl crisis and Angie lost her Dad less than a year ago and now her Mom has Stage 3 lung cancer so she is sitting with her doing chemo...
  9. Jeffwhosoever

    The Olivet Discourse and Interpretative Approaches

    Instead of studying verses at a time, this thread is to examine the entire Olivet Discourse, focused on Matthew 24. I'll start off with one paper that begins to compare a few interpretations, but feel free to add others and to discuss. The Olivet Discourse: The Tribulation and the Second Coming
  10. Jeffwhosoever

    Surveys and Polls on Eschatological Views

    This is a thread to document surveys on eschatology. I'll start off with a survey of Evangelicals, because I am one. Please stick to posting surveys, and you do not have to stick to any certain type of Christians. Non-evangelicals are welcome to post what they find, but please don't argue in...
  11. Jeffwhosoever

    Futurist Only Russia and the possibility of nuclear war is reaching dangerous levels.

    The threat has been going on since the early days of the Russia attack of Ukraine, but things are getting more dire with each passing day. Multiple US officials and former high ranking military are warning of Russia using nuclear weapons, and some are suggesting NATO should respond with a...
  12. Jeffwhosoever

    Projected Cumulative change in Christianity

    One of the basic precepts of Postmillenialism is that the world will become more and more Christian, until it reaches some point where it is sufficiently dominant for the Lord to return. I did some background research to see if the global community was becoming more Christian, and I found this...
  13. Jeffwhosoever

    The Third Seal may be imminent

    Sure seems like tribulation may occur soon. This video is about the impending famine caused by the Ukrainian war and not being able to export grain via the black sea, which shows no signs of abating. And this is only one factor in a famine that is developing.
  14. Jeffwhosoever

    Futurist Only When do Futurists believe the Second Coming of Christ will be?

    I know the Bible says we cannot know the day or hour of the Lord's return, but are these events suggesting the end may be near? When do Futurists believe the Lord may return? I'm wondering if we aren't even closer given the worldwide events such as these: Putin's evil henchmen threaten to nuke...
  15. Jeffwhosoever

    3 Angels Message and series The Days of Noah

    I'm on part 3 of 4 of this TV documentary on Amazon Prime: Watch The Days of Noah: The Flood - Part 1 of 4 | Prime Video I'm hearing of this "3 Angels' Message" for the first time in this series and wonder what others think and your thoughts on this "3 Angels' Message". See this as well as...
  16. Jeffwhosoever

    Who are the 2 Witnesses in Revelation?

    Who do you think the 2 witnesses are in the book of Revelation? It seems to me that they have to be Elijah and Enoch, the only 2 people who have never died, because Hebrews 9:27 states "It is appointed to man to die once". Since Elijah and Enoch went to heaven without dying, and since angels...
  17. Jeffwhosoever

    Surveys on Eschatology Beliefs

    I'm curious as to the surveys of different denominations and how their eschatological views have changed since the start of the 20th century. I'm having a hard time finding solid data so thought I'd ask for help. I'll start it off with what I could find, but I'm looking for the opinions of...
  18. Jeffwhosoever

    Futurist Only What is the chronological order of Revelation?

    I'm nearing the 7 bowls of wrath and see some possible overlap with the 7 Trumpets. I found a video that depicts the 7 Seals proceeding the 7 bowls of wrath and 7 trumpets, where each bowl is in parallel with each trumpet. In other words, the 7 seals are sequental and 7 bowls and 7 trumpets are...
  19. Jeffwhosoever

    Please Pray for my friend Angie and her Dad Butch

    A good friend of mine who has had a terrible year has just learned her Father likely has cancer so I ask all my friends here to pray for Angie and Butch her father.
  20. Jeffwhosoever

    Please pray for my friend Angie

    I have a friend named Angie and she is going through a very tough time. I cannot disclose details, but I only ask for you to pray for Jeff's friend Angie. God will know who you are praying for.