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  1. Forge3

    The ask me anything thread

    I was a religious brother for five years. I studied most religious doctrines. I just may have something to share so here I am. Ask me anything.
  2. Forge3

    Two clients died today

    I knew one (Doug) for many years. He Overdosed on drugs at work. And one James died in the hospital from liver damage. They were homeless off and on. Please pray for the peaceful repose of their souls.
  3. Forge3

    Please pray for Vitto.

    He is a client of mine who has experienced a lot of deaths in his family recently and his wife of forty years marriage. He is homeless and really hurting right now. Please pray for him.
  4. Forge3

    My writing tablet

    Going to make this my daily, if daily, entry of poetry. Should I go to a journal or blog section though? Please feel free to comment. I came back to writing in the last six weeks.
  5. Forge3

    A thread about nature

    A simple light hearted thread about nature. It can include experiences with nature, gifs, videos. It is wide open. I will contribute some of my poetry on it and my experiences. Sometimes they have been humorous and sometimes awe inspiring. In autumn the leaves are scattered like fragments of...
  6. Forge3

    My own visions

    They are only prophetic because I have the gift of seeing the future. I am often awake in my dreams. He who is our mutual Lord said He would give young men dreams and visions. This is my lot. I have spoken with Angels in my sleep or slumber. When my heart is at rest and I am no longer concerned...
  7. Forge3

    Let us talk about service

    Do you believe that when we serve the poor we are actually also serving Jesus the Christ? Also in what ways do you serve others? :)
  8. Forge3

    A brief message

    I just want to say I am thankful for my membership here. I have not only had the opportunity to help support others, I too have been supported when I needed it. When I nfirst started here I really did not appreciate how blessed it is to find fellowship of faith. I guess I needed it so I could...
  9. Forge3

    Anybody want to learn about the homeless?

    I have served them for 13 years as a professional. Ask away :)
  10. Forge3

    Let is discuss the virtue of humility

    I see many heated debates and people locking horns over faith issues. But I see very little discussion of this virtue. I am here to correct this :D It is the unseating of pride So in Him alone our hopes may ride ;)
  11. Forge3


    This is an animals thread. Post your pets and animal stuff. Animals tickle my heart. They even give me hope God had a sense of humour :) Sparrows
  12. Forge3


    How may we descibe Divine love? It is the greatest of virtues. 1 Corinthians 13 New International Version (NIV) 13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all...
  13. Forge3

    A poem for this section

    Oh creator I marvel at the elegance of your designs In you the light of truth always shines Diamond on grass or from our eyes our hope in you a sunrise to dry the diamond from our eyes. The worm transforms in a chrysalis You would enrobe us with your bliss. You make a Saint out of a...
  14. Forge3

    I have served the homeless for 12 years

    Ask me anything about this ministry and about my learning about the homeless.
  15. Forge3

    Power is made perfect in weakness.

    Hello :) I am wondering what people's understanding of this means. I have my own understanding and yet would like and am open to other insights or understanding. The reason I am asking is because I am an alcoholic and praying and endeavoring to be sober everyday.
  16. Forge3

    No presents for Christmas

    My financial situation is so bad I have to tell my family I will not be able to send presents but cards. And ask them only to send me cards and prayers. And when I say only this does not mean to belittle cards and prayers. Good sentiments and prayers are precious. It is more the need to...
  17. Forge3

    A message

    The plans of God are great and true He understands with love all you do An eye in the sky watching upon you Through your soul through and through And the love with gives bouyancy to angels wings and makes a child of emperors and kings rests in my heart so we shall never be apart For...
  18. Forge3

    The memory lane thread :)

    I am 49 so let us share our treasured memories as kids. Before we had video games we would just play ball hockey, hide and seek and stuff. We never got bored without video games and the technology we have today. My favorite shows: The Six Million Dollar Man Get Smart :D Chico and the Man...
  19. Forge3


    God led me to home through many paths, As a Shaman with the deer as my medicine animal I had a vision. I saw a deer by a boulder I used the meditate upon. The next day I went there and saw that deer there. It fled when it heard my feet upon the dry leaves of fall. As a monk when I read a book...
  20. Forge3

    In this thread...

    I will only speak of love and respond with love to all replies. If you are going through tough times. If you have doubt, hate, self-loathing. Even if you scathe me flaming I will not report you but I doubt you will. So much Christian excellence here to edify me. I have insight on love through...