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  1. fm107

    Presbyterian PCA

    Is there a resource anyone can refer me to which lists out all the beliefs of the Presbyterian PCA, especially their beliefs as to Covenant Theology?
  2. fm107

    Back after being banned for several months (anyone else been randomly banned?)

    Hi everyone, I was banned from CF in January 23. Only just got back on today. There was no apparent way of contacting CF to notify them that my IP address was randomly banned. Anyone else randomly banned and know the cause behind it?
  3. fm107

    New to cameras - help!

    Hi Guys! I'm new to cameras but wish to purchase one to get decent videos of badminton matches at my local club. Badminton is a quick moving racket sport where the shuttle can travel at speeds of 332km/hr (206mph). I plan to mount the camera on a tripod stand and let it record away. I'm...
  4. fm107

    Church of England (Women Bishops) & The Future of The Church

    First off, let me say I do not know all of the different teachings different denominations embrace. I just know which are right in accordance with scripture and which are not. ................................................................................. The Church of England are now...
  5. fm107

    "No Pants Day"

    "No pants day" is something I was not aware of until now. I'm very shocked at how people are trying to "normalize" sin, it's sick, especially with children watching. Yet in this world full of darkness, I know there is far greater sins happening that we know nothing about. BBC News -...