Search results

  1. Waymarker

    How many people could land support?

    I'm a townie having lived in cities all my life but have a strong interest in how we'd survive in a post-apocalypse world decimated by plague or asteroid strike or whatever. We'd have to get out of the city of course to grow our own food and do hunting and fishing, so as a matter of interest how...
  2. Waymarker

    Did we give poor advice?

    Some years ago a young teenager came into an AOL 'Religious Discussion' chatroom and told us he hated being dragged off to church by his parents every sunday, so me and a few other adults advised him to refuse pointblank to go. Apparently his parents must have later complained to AOL about us...
  3. Waymarker

    "Til death us do part"

    I've always felt uncomfortable about that "til death us do part" bit in the wedding vows for the simple reason that a Christian man and wife will never be parted by death but will go to heaven and be reunited there. Or have I got it wrong?
  4. Waymarker


  5. Waymarker

    Comforting words

    "We share in Jesus's sufferings in order to share in his glory" (Romans 8:17)