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  1. L

    Prayer request. Pregnancy.

    I'm 8 weeks pregnant suffering from Hyperemesis. I feel utterly awful. It's like I've been poisoned. I've been to doctors and I have anti sickness tablets which helped at little. But don't seen to be helping any more. I've got 2 older kids to look after so really would love your prayers...
  2. L

    Unoffically engaged.

    the engagement will become official after parent have been told and i get my ring. on saturday. so excited. were not telling any one till we have told parents and have the ring which is happening this weekend but i can hold it in so im gonna share it with all you "not real life" ppl. man i...
  3. L

    Him changing his name

    hello married ppl. I would just like to as what do you think of the guy change his name to he womens name instead of her changing to his. me and my man are thinking about doing this. i have 2 kids from perivous relationship and they both have my maiden name and i would not want to...
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    Accidents all the time

    my son is 5 yrs old his is in his first yr of school. he took a long time to potty train but when he finaly got there he was perfect no accidents ever. started when he was 2 and he was over 4 before he had no accidents. but any way he started school in august and since then he has wet him self...
  5. L

    once a cheat always a cheat???

    so what do i think... a guy goes out with a girl... cheats on her... do u think he is likly to cheat again? or how bout another situation a guy goes out with a girl, cheats on her.. then starts going out with the new girl (after he has broken up with the first) how likely do u think...
  6. L

    once a cheat always a cheat???

    so what do i think... a guy goes out with a girl... cheats on her... do u think he is likly to cheat again? or how bout another situation a guy goes out with a girl, cheats on her.. then starts going out with the new girl (after he has broken up with the first) how likely do u think...
  7. L

    Dating with children.

    (back round info) I have been divorced for a year and half. i have 2 little boys ages 4 and 1. my sons do not see there father as he wants nothing to do with them. i have dated 2 guys since the divorce but it was nothing serious and both only lasted 1 date each, and the never met the boys as...
  8. L

    breast feeding routine..

    what was your routine when fedding with a spoon and still breast feding. i need some advice i just dono what i should be doing
  9. L

    how do u get over the bitterness

    when u find out ur whole marrage was a waste of time how do u get over feeling so bitter? not get over ur ex cause i know im better off with out his behvour but how to i get rid of the bitterness so i can be close to God
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    My son made my heart break

    my son who is 3 said to me the other day "mummy i dont have a daddy" my sons father and me were never married and we broke up after our son was 3 months old. and he did use to see him but his dad really uite simly hasnt bothered. and then i met a guy who my son called dad we got married and...
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    hi every one im lynn mum of 2 boys both keeping me very busy. look forward to getting to know u all