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  1. B

    Predict the new Senate breakdown

    Here is your chance to vote your prediction. If you choose, feel free to also predict some of the key state winners or just vote your prediction, as you see fit.
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    The sky is falling, the sky is falling....

    it's falling on our heads. It appears that the world will end, if this election goes the wrong way! God help us.....
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    Could the Pelosi home attack create a sympathy vote for the Dems?

    It would be rather ironic if the attack on the Speaker's husband caused a sympathy vote for the Dems and even enough to just barely keep the Dems in control of the House and Madam Nancy as Speaker for another two years. While this seems unlikely, we cannot discount the possibility.
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    Christians should attend synagogues to show solidarity with Jews?

    With all of this negative talk lately against Jews, should not Christians visit nearby Jewish worship services to show that we stand with our Jewish friends and neighbors against this apparent rising tide of anti-Semitism?
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    In God We Trust vs I Trust in Trump

    I recalled today a demonstration by Trump supporters after the FBI raid at his Florida home that I saw on television. One of the protestors carried a saying saying "I trust in Trump". Such a sign seems to run counter to the U.S. National Motto, "In God We Trust". Anyway, I wonder if today's...
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    Could the gun issue cost the TX GOP the Governor's race?

    Maybe O'Rourke can shock the GOP and win on the gun issue?
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    Hillary might run again in 2024?

    I read somewhere this week that Hillary Clinton is seriously looking at a possible third try for President in 2024. If Biden chooses not to run, which seems likely at this time, what would Hillary's chances be? Would she only go if Harris decides not to run or might she even take on the VP in...
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    If UFO's are proven to be 100% real, what happens to your faith?

    Since quite a few here at CF are totally convinced that aliens have not visited the Earth, I have a question. If the the U.S. government were to ever publicly admit that UFO's are indeed visitors from space and that they have visited the Earth in recent years, what impact would such have upon...
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    Could Trump become the most important Christian President....

    if Roe is overturned or severely limited? Note, I ask this as someone who did not support him, as I have voted Third Party since 2000. Still, I wonder if Trump becomes effectively responsible for saving the lives of millions of unborn babies in the coming decades, by a reversal of Roe vs...
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    What is the reason for the massive retail looting?

    No doubt there are multiple reasons. Some will blame all this on the pandemic and others on inflation, while some will even point to a reduction in police ranks around the country. Personally, I am 100% convinced that the key reason is the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis...
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    If Roe vs Wade is overturned, will the GOP lose in 2022?

    Most experts now expect Republicans to retake the House next year and possibly the Senate as well. However, a huge uproar over the abortion issue could cause a shift in the odds and keep both chambers under Democratic control. What think ye?
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    What will come of Biden's visit with the Pope?

    The word is that President Biden is scheduled to go to the Vatican this Friday? Any thoughts in advance of his visit?
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    President Biden: "We will never forgive and never forget."

    By all indications President Biden is a devout Christian or at least he claims to be. Is it proper for any Christian to say that we will never forgive? No doubt he was expressing much emotional pain at the attack in Kabul, so his words are understandable. What think all of you?
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    My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?

    These words from the cross have troubled many for centuries. There appears to be several possible explanations for Jesus saying this. (1) Some claim that he was simply pointing to one of the Psalms as a way of showing others to have faith in God. Sorry, but most of my conservative Christian...
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    Is the real Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia?

    I am posting this thread here, as St. Catherine's monastery is an Eastern Orthodox monastery in Egypt at the site of the traditional Mount Sinai. Now I just watched a very interesting documentary on Amazon Prime which contends that the real Mount Sinai is in the Arabian Peninsula and the two...
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    What think ye of the SBC convention, moderates vs conservatives?

    I have not followed this closely. Most of the dispute seems to concern the issue of race. It appears that the vote for a new President was quite close. Is there a chance that the SBC could split within a few years, like the United Methodist Church may well do?
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    Billy Graham and the millions of babies born in China

    I watched the second half of a documentary about the late Rev. Billy Graham on PBS Monday night. Much of the 2nd hour dealt with his close relationship with President Nixon, but the most interesting item of all was his interview with a reporter in a NYC hotel room, after Billy had returned from...
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    The Church must stand together or our country will be lost

    I saw this line on a promo sign at an American Baptist Church this week. I have thought about it over and over and am still not sure what the pastor means by this line. Any suggestions?
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    Old Testament warning about a golden calf

    I had not heard the news, but a friend phoned me to tell me about a gold statue of President Trump being presented at the CPAC convention. Upon hearing his report, I immediately recalled the incident in Exodus when God brought judgment upon the Israelites for creating a golden calf. Now I...