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  1. rocknanchor

    In Honor of All Who Sacrificed, This Memorial Day

    "America has a long history of military members who have shown extraordinary courage, with many willingly giving their lives to secure the freedoms our nation enjoys, freedoms we often take for granted. On Memorial Day (originally known as Decoration Day) we honor the sacrifice of these brave...
  2. rocknanchor

    The Several Requests

    When Jesus asked: “Who touched me?” or, “Who do people say I am?” or more importantly, “Will you really lay down your life for me?” I maintain His questions were primarily set to motivate, even something as small as the hem of His garment. A motivation towards establishing a conclusive...
  3. rocknanchor

    Recalling America as Founded

    My, you have to work mighty hard to get such info out of all the best search venues today concerning America's godly heritage. The great, vital, and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and the divine truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. US...
  4. rocknanchor


    I count it an abnormality of faith's soundness to suggest one's culture is what we guage our walk with Christ with. You won't hear that being spoken as a problem, though it does enjoy very much frowning on an assortment of issues commonly known as - outdated. A list nor instance here is not...
  5. rocknanchor

    May the Bride Never Look Back

    Ever get that feeling, the night is SOO far spent? Pastors: Don’t Prepare The Bride To Meet The Antichrist, Prepare The Bride To Meet Her Bridegroom
  6. rocknanchor

    Eclipse Takeaways

    Enjoyed what appeared as a 75% eclipse Monday. But, not surprised at the E-mania. Maybe you saw as well upon "totality", people in the path epicenters roaring with thunderous applause and hugging one another. On our street, a golf cart load of young people waved at us as though we all can...
  7. rocknanchor

    He is Risen!

    Happy Easter! “The Jews then said to Him, “What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?” Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:18,19) Fulfilled and confirmed with "many infallible proofs." He is risen!
  8. rocknanchor

    GOP Swamp ‘Spirituality’

    From the day, businessman Donald Trump came down the escalator to announce his White House bid, say what you will, he soon stepped into a collaboration of his own personal gallery of insincere backstabbers. Not just any RINOS, but world-class who dance wonderfully to the glee of the far-left...
  9. rocknanchor

    Baptism of Chaff

    Is what follows, a tale of Two Monumental Ministers, or a hidden call for All to Jump the Shark? Jump the Shark verb To undergo a storyline development which heralds a fundamental and generally disappointing change in direction. To experience a decline in quality, appeal, popularity, etc...
  10. rocknanchor

    Converts & AI: Harmless Tool or Stealth Persecutor?

    AI, spiritually, a blessed time redeemer or the proverbial 'bull in a china shop'? No question, the AI fever pitch is on, asking what’s next is instantly outdated. Stocks skyrocket while consuming areas of culture at an alarming rate. Tech-masters no longer need to warn; 'Stay abreast or you’ll...
  11. rocknanchor

    Origins of a Whistleblower

    Did you see the content of Tuesday’s 418-pg undaunted (reportedly while under threat) whistleblower, the Anthony Bobulinski release? I admit, mostly worthless fill. Seen here. Some highlights: “Biden and the “big guy” was Joe Biden” - Hunter’s Ex-Business Partner Tony Bobulinski Oct 23, 2020...
  12. rocknanchor

    Is the US Anthem/Motto Unjust?

    Should we replace the National Anthem/Motto carte blanche? As the “National Football League will feature the singing of “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” the song originally known as the “Negro national anthem, now known as the “black national anthem" to reportedly be sung, , after the actual...
  13. rocknanchor

    The Lord's Desires

    Roughly, how many core desires does God have? A few among many minor ones? Yet, minor might also be considered major I suppose. His desire for man's salvation would easily place first though it is said He doesn't necessarily need anything. So, I suppose beyond God's power of salvation through...
  14. rocknanchor

    SCOTUS, Suspends the Constitution

    The Constitution places all responsibility of securing our national borders on the Federal Government. The SC ruled against this by a margin of 5-to-4, saying "that Texas is not permitted to protect itself from illegal border crossers. None of the justices provided any explanation for their...
  15. rocknanchor

    The Trinity of Defeat

    Any guesses? Why of course you know! Those grand offsets to our victory in Him. 1. Satan, 2. Carnality, 3. Ignorance As a Christian, I spent years in one of these and a walk in hellish defeat - ignorance, which drowned out most of my faith. But, thank God I rose up and shook myself off and...
  16. rocknanchor

    A Voice of Meek Strength

    In life's many decisions, God does reward our struggles. Knowing when He rewards us through others and blessing us in the fruit of our own efforts, which, is also His giving witness to us for matters at hand by His voice. Oh, is this a subject reserved to be only handled at a distance? It...
  17. rocknanchor

    The Ever Brighter Candle

    "A reporter from a national news network recently asked me: “Where do you see America today?” (MARCH 1, 2023) I told him that our nation has turned its back on God. Politicians are looking for what people want and what culture wants instead of what God wants. We need to stand on the absolute...
  18. rocknanchor

    Revisiting, Conditions of Spiritual Warfare

    Christian interviewer helps shed interesting light on today’s outlook with established Exorcists. Some of our contemporary conditions, even within Pentecostalism are dealt with to some extent. 75 Minutes. Interview With An Exorcist
  19. rocknanchor

    2024! Happy New Year!

    Praying, God add increase to your every need this year!
  20. rocknanchor

    W.H.O. Silent on C19 Cures

    In an attempt to dispel misinformation, the advice of the World Health Organization has offered it’s explanation over pro and con non-vaccine treatments for the Covid virus. Missing are those two leading remedies such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, others in their rundown? Coronavirus...