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  1. Frisbee

    Where the wind blows...

    First and foremost a spiritual movement, or just "movement" given in the proper context, is just that... a movement, or a movement of the Holy Spirit. And it seems that wherever the real deal manifests itself, there are "fakes" and "phonies" that seem to follow as a natural course of action...
  2. Frisbee

    Republicrats Anonymous

    I just started a meetup here in Washington State to get Democrats and Republicans together who wish to vote for a 3rd party candidate. The general concept goes like this... Washington is a mail in ballot state so we have the ability to fill out or voting card in the presence of another person...
  3. Frisbee

    In a non-denominational church how does the Pastor tithe?

    I was rubbed very wrong by our Thursday evening sermon, and hopefully I can be convinced to stay in my church. I say hopefully because I don't believe it is healthy or good to bounce around from church to church, but I have to temper that hope with reality as well. Our midweek service is on...
  4. Frisbee

    312 Azusa St

    I'm reading a book right now about the Azusa Street Mission where there was a tremndous outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I'm just getting started, but so far they are describing the background of Pastor William Seymour. How much do you all know about 312 Azusa St and the Azusa Street Mission...
  5. Frisbee

    The Not So Well Thought Out Things People Say

    What are your favorite not very well thought out quotes? I ran across one today that caused me to spit my milk half way across the room... "I'm AN ATHEIST! I pray to God Americans will someday accept my atheism without judgment."
  6. Frisbee

    Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed... A movie review

    Last night I saw the Ben Stein movie "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed". I give it 4 stars! ;) It's not about Intelligent Design as much as it is about the witch hunt against any and all scientists who are not neo-Darwinists. Here's a link for the trailers for the film...
  7. Frisbee

    KJ2K Bible

    Ever check out the King James 2000 (KJ2K) bible? It is basically a King James Version of the bible that uses modern language. The NKJV is actually an entirely new translation, so I find this approach very useful. The KJV is by far my favorite translation, but it is sometimes difficult to get...
  8. Frisbee

    Christian Liberty

    Christian liberty is something that almost everybody has an opinion about, and they usually are extremely personal and based upon life experience to frame the particular belief. For example the subject of wine. There are some who are adamant that the answer is no period. Not a little, not...
  9. Frisbee

    ML3 Live at the Roxy April 12th!!!

    For everyone in the Seattle area, ML3 will be performing live at the Roxy theater in Bremerton at 8pm on April 12th and they are throwing a free BBQ at 6pm before the concert as well! If you have the chance check these guys out, they are AWESOME and the work they do with recovering with addicts...
  10. Frisbee

    The Appointed Time of Messiah the Prince

    Daniel 9:24-2724 "Seventy weeks are determined For your people and for your holy city, To finish the transgression, To make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity, To bring in everlasting righteousness, To seal up vision and prophecy, And to anoint the Most Holy. 25 "Know therefore...
  11. Frisbee

    Why acappella only?

    I really like the focus of the Restoration Movement, but I have one question regarding music and worship... Why no musical instruments? I read what the "official" response is, but there are a lot of things that could likewise be treated as such. For example bibles. They didn't have bibles...