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  1. T

    Continued prayer and

    My wife is 56. She has had fibromyalgia for many years and the control of prescribed, necessary medications, is difficult to say the least. There is never a time when the scripts last out the month. That being said, a few days ago she was spending time on making the house shine. That went on for...
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    Tithing was for PRODUCE not money

    Continuing on with tithing, by Frank Viola in his book "Pagan Christianity." "This brings us back to that oft-quoted text in Malachi 3. What was God saying there? First, this passage was directed to ancient Israel when they were under the Mosiac Law. God's people were holding back their thithes...
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    Isn't this refreshing to read?

    From the book "Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola."Does the Bible teach us to tithe? and .....are we spiritually obligated to fund the pastor and his staff? The answer to these two questions may shock you. IS TITHING BIBLICAL? Tithing does appear in the Bible. So, yes tithing is biblical. But...
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    PDX has my vote

    PDX Christ Follower had a very good point about the importance of medical marajuana. I work for a hospital and I see pain on a daily basis. My wife suffers chronic pain, pain is everywhere. Tension is everywhere. Back during the early days of the use of weed things were calm, very mild. People...
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    Formulas and Methodology's

    Much of what I read among Christians has to do with what I call "formulas." If we do this, God will do that. And I don't feel that it was God's intent that we see following after Christ as a method of achieving things if we learn the formulas. I know it says that if we confess with our mouth and...
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    I've learned a lesson

    What I am seeing over the past few years, especially from those around me and those I meet in my work day. There is so much talk on the Bible in reference to basic principles of a foundation of the scriptures, though nothing about it speaks of compassion. There is a saying among charismatics of...
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    Explanations of a particular passage.

    Here are a couple of verses that I have heard several different explanations to its meaning, so I just thought I would throw it out to everyone: "For it is impossible for those who have been once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit and...
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    And So Now Exorcism Has Found New Interest

    In my name you shall cast out demons. So to so many believers is it now that a Christian can have a demon? Is it that passed down generational sin has something to do with present day family sin, including children? OR is it just something new, something exciting that stirs a person to want to...
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    Old Things Are Passed?

    As long as we deal in doubts and fears; as long as we sit in judgment on ourselves, we will never arrive. You will never enjoy those things that are written. Old things have passed away...... What old things? Bondage, fear, doubt, want, sickness, weakness, and failure are gone. So how do we...
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    Pain Management

  11. T

    Wanting to Retire and move out of Florida

    What state, country, island, whatever place that you feel is somewhere you would like to retire to and live happily ever after. I have been looking into Costa Rica and the more I read the less I like. I like the temperatures, though I don't speak a word of Spanish. I like the area we selected...
  12. T

    Predestination questions

    I would appreciate insight to the verses in Romans 8:29-30. "For whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethern. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called, whom He called, these He also justified, and...
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    Predestination questions.

    I would appreciate insight to the verses in Romans 8:29-30. "For whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethern. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called, whom He called, these He also justified, and...
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    From Charismatic to Catholic isn't easy

    I spent many years as a Charismatic and found that much of what is taught, although biblical, just didn't happen to everyone. I and my wife received the gift of the Holy Spirit and we both speak in tongues. Our concerns have always been healing. "And greater things shall you do" Jesus said. I...
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    Verses sent to me from a friend

    Isaiah 45:7 says, "I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. This verse clearly states that the Lord creats darkness and evil. NAS says, "creating darkness and creating calamity." The Wycliffe Bible says, "making darknesses and...
  16. T

    What's the weather like up north?

    It is colder today in midwest Florida, about forty when coming to work. I heard on the radio that there is much snow all over the north. Driving in that stuff can be extremely tricky. The least amount of time getting out in it, I would say, the better. Please be safe.
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    Was Everybody's Christmas Good?

    We couldn't do much this year, as far as putting up a tree or lights around the house. The grandkids had plenty of packages to open, so it made caring for Nana that much easier for me. The neighbors' had so many lights up, it was almost daylight during the evening. We cared for a couple...
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    Scripture that has changed your life.

    I know that the Bible in itself is complete and ministers to all of us. That isn't my interest in this thread. I'm especially interested in any portion of the Bible, verse, chapter, that has made a noticeable change in your life. Certainly passages that you enjoy reading over and over again are...
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    Is there a secured level of protection for our children?

    I can understand guarding our children, but not to the point of arming them to the teeth. The advertisements on internet, on TV........can we truly be watchful at all times? From the experiences of others, I have seen a controlling depth of protection back fire on many parents. There has to be...
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    Regarding medications

    What are the Anabaptists stand concerning medications? I'm not aware of them seeing doctors for things like high blood pressure, pain issues, thyroid trouble, bipolar medications. How are issues like these handled when the patient requires proper care?