Search results

  1. gumby123

    Please pray for my brother....

    Hey all, I hate to bother you all but I need big time prayers for my brother. He is almost refusing to go to the doctor and he's noticed that he bleeds a lot more when cut or injured, and he bruises more easily. Is this a sign of diabetes? Cancer? Something else? Please let me know what...
  2. gumby123

    Silent Hill Origins (PS2)

    I recently bought this video game. It's a great game but it's hard to get past the armless monster who spits acid at you. They also have Silent Hill: Homecoming for PS3 and Xbox360 Check 'em out! Gumby
  3. gumby123

    Marilyn Manson / Nirvana ??

    Does anyone here listen to Marilyn Manson or Nirvana? Those are my two favorite bands. Although the lyrics are sometimes not so good for people to hear, their music is awesome. I hope I'm not offending anyone by posting this. It shouldn't offend people. Manson is a human just like everyone...
  4. gumby123


    just testing to see if my photo of raggedy ann shows up... bye world!
  5. gumby123

    In Search Of Dedicated Penpal, do you exist?

    Hello All, I'm looking for a penpal. Gender, color, age etc does not matter. I have a lot of things I'd like to talk about in email or snail mail. So just let me know if you want to be my penpal and what method you prefer. Thanks guys and girls, Gumby
  6. gumby123

    Please congratulate me :-)

    Hey guys, Guess what? I wrote a poem and turned it into poetry dot com and I WON editor's choice award. Once I make sure it's copyrighted, I'll post it here. It's about Satan and his point of view on his torment and asking when Jesus will return. It was inspired by the movie The Omen 3...
  7. gumby123

    Please pray for me....

    Dear All, The past few months I've been having some 'staring' spells, where I cannot get my attention off details of things. Due to my past (I had a pretty severe seizure), my doctor is worried that I may be having absence seizures now. When he told me about it, I went home and looked it up...
  8. gumby123

    I want to quit soon

    Hi all, I started smoking last year and I have a few questions about it... Are lights better than normal cigarettes? What's the difference between them anyway? (Forgive me I'm new to it). Is there any sure cure for it? To quit, I mean..? And are my lungs black now, or does it take many...
  9. gumby123

    Special Socks and a boggin for sell

    Hello This is probably for the ladies or girls, I have a pair of cheshire cat tread socks still in the box. they are lime green with the cheshire cat on it (from alice in wonderland). I also have a pair of black and white stripped toe socks. And last, I have a black boggin hat with the...
  10. gumby123

    The Steve Wilkos show (talk show)

    Hey Does anyone here watch the Steve Wilkos show? He comes on WGN at 2am eastern time. I was just wondering if you all have seen him and what you think about him. I've wrote in to him several times hoping he would get my letters. He has a website so check him out if you want just type his...
  11. gumby123

    Favorite game of all time and a question

    Howdy all, I was wondering what some of your favorite games are, what system you play them on, and why they are your favorite games? It can be atari, nintendo, super nintendo, playstation, playstation 2, xbox, gamecube or any others I may have and probably did miss. (I just own all of...
  12. gumby123

    The effects of 2 drugs on me

    edited by me... cf complains about everything i do here.
  13. gumby123

    Story: You are my Sunshine

    Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her 3-year-old son, Michael, prepare for a new sibling. They found out that the new baby was going be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael sang to his sister in...
  14. gumby123

    Fear of rejection

    Hey all, I wanted to talk about something that I'm nervous to type out but I need to get it off my chest to people who will listen and not judge me, but help me out. I felt that this is the right place for it. Well, for many years now I've struggled with a problem. I don't know how to put...
  15. gumby123

    Caffeine and a few other things

    This should be obvious but I'm going to ask anyways just because I don't know the answer. Does drinking coffee or pepsi trigger or start up depression? Because I drink a lot of caffeine. Also, my depression is getting worse even though I'm on medication. I take 3 meds for my depression and...
  16. gumby123

    Looking for a committed penpal

    Greetings! I'm an American guy looking for a penpal, email or snail, any age, any gender, anybody in the USA. I would say anywhere in the world but I don't have enough money to buy tons of stamps for that. I apologize. I hope to hear from someone soon! Here's a quick list of my...