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  1. juneil

    Moved God shows mercy to the SDA in Saudi Arabia

    Happy Sabbath everyone,:clap: I would like to inform all our brothers and sisters around the globe that God has shown His great Love and mercy to us SDA here in Saudi Arabia. Recently the King of Saudi Arabia has signed the declaration that the weekends will be change from Thursday and Friday...
  2. juneil

    Traditional Sda?

    I've been reading in PROGRESSIVE and TRADITIONAL forums. I understand what they mean in being a PROGRESSIVE SDA, but in TRADITIONAL i am confused.:scratch: In the REVELATION SEMINAR we are ask to chose whether to TRADITION or TRUTH. And I understand that the big religion (RC) has follows many...
  3. juneil

    Heaven? What is it like?

    Inspite the diffirences of Doctrines and Beliefs, one common denominator or goal we have as CHRISTIANS is to go where Jesus is, that is to be in His side and see his glory. IN SHORT OUR GOALS IS TO GO TO HEAVEN. I have heard that this Earth, this ground we stand and live rightnow is our...
  4. juneil

    Just a thought to ponder

    In NOAH's time, Is it the flood happen because Noah cut all trees in the mountains to make a Huge ark???? What do u think?>?
  5. juneil

    Pinoy in SAudi raise your hands

    Hello, Im a christian who work in Riyadh. :clap: Kayo saan kayo sa saudi????
  6. juneil

    Adventist Listening Heavy metal rap Rock music

    I know being an adventist is not wise or good to listen this kinda of songs but still I listen this kind of noise and I like it. I know its wrong. Any advice???