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    The Almost Unbelievable Facts About Obamacare

    #1) A National Health identification card will be issued to all Americans. #2) You can keep your current doctor IF the government medical boards allow it. #3) You can keep your current insurance IF your insurance company does not go out of business because they can't compete with the new...
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    The Sacrificial Altar For The Jewish Temple In Jerusalem Is Being Rebuilt!

    The sacrifical altar for the Jewish Temple in Jersualem is being rebuilt right now. Just check it out: The Last Days What exciting times we live in. We are seeing the last days being played out right before our very eyes!
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    Economic "Stimulus" Bill = Nationalized Health Care Plan!

    While Republicans and Democrats dance around and debate whether or not the "economic stimulus" bill will actually stimulate the economy, the most important things that have been slipped into the bill are not even being discussed. The reality is that Democrats have inserted provisions into the...
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    New Bill Makes The Federal Reserve "Super Cop" Over The Entire Financial System

    House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank has proposed a new bill that would make the Federal Reserve a "super cop" that would have complete control of the financial system -- that means that all banks, all investment firms, all insurance companies, all hedge funds and any other...
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    Were The New Testament Documents Considered Scripture By The Early Church?

    Were The New Testament Documents Considered Scripture By The Early Church? Who decided what books were going to make it into the New Testament? Were the New Testament documents considered to be Scripture by the early church? You know, the truth is that most Christians have not even...
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    Guns, Bombs And Cold Hard Steel CANNOT Defeat Radical Islam

    Ever since the "war on terror" began, there has been an assumption in the western world that radical Islam can be stamped out with guns, bombs, steel and brute force. There is just one problem. It is not working and it never will work. A lot of good, patriotic Americans and Europeans have...
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    Tim Tebow Made John 3:16 The Number 1 Search Term On Google

    University Of Florida quarterback Tim Tebow actually made "John 3:16" the number one search term on Google for a short time by wearing it in the eye black under his eyes during the BCS championship game...
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    The NSA's Black Widow Is Watching ALL Your Calls & Emails

    The NSA has a massive supercomputer called "The Black Widow" that watches millions of domestic and international phone calls and emails every single day. It is watching your electronic communications constantly and it may be aware that you are reading this article right now. That sounds like...
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    Why Did The "Santa Slayer" Shoot An 8 Year Old Girl In The Face?

    What would cause 45 year old Bruce Jeffrey Prado to walk into a Christmas party dressed up as Santa Claus and start shooting at everyone there? When Prado first got to the house where the party was being held, an 8 year old girl opened the door. He shot her in the face. How sick is that...
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    The Christmas Tree - An Ancient Pagan Fertility Symbol

    Most Americans will gather around "the Christmas tree" on December 25th without having any idea why we practice this tradition or where it came from. The truth is that the Christmas tree and the decorations we put on the tree have ancient roots in pagan fertility traditions. In ancient times...
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    The Holiday That Foreshadowed Christ's Birth For Over 1000 Years

    Most Christians believe that Christmas is the holiday that is most associated with the birth of Jesus. But did you know that the word "Christmas" is not in the Bible? Did you know that there is nothing about December 25th in the Scriptures? Did you also know that Christians did not begin...
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    Is "The Big American Christmas" Disappearing?

    Recent polls reveal that a huge percentage of Americans will be spending less this Christmas, and more Americans than ever are choosing not to celebrate Christmas at all. Is this the beginning of the end for "the Big American Christmas"...
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    George W. Bush Believes That Christians And Muslims Worship The Same God

    President George W. Bush believes that Christians, Muslims and all other religions pray to the same God. In stunning public statements, Bush has admitted that he prays to the God of Islam, that non-Christians and Muslims will go to heaven and that he has "nothing but praise" for Islam. You...
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    Freakshow Human/Animal Hybrid Creatures Are Now LEGAL In The U.K.

    Imagine a world where the government uses your DNA without your consent to create human/animal hybrid creatures for bizarre scientific experiments. Does that sound like a plot to a far-fetched Hollywood film? It's not...
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    This Is Not A Financial Crisis

    This is not a financial crisis. This is a financial consolidation - a high level financial war that will result in the Federal Reserve and the international bankers of the global elite having more power and more assets after it is all over. The international bankers have caused crashes like...
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    Sarah Palin: "I Think I Will See Jesus Come Back To Earth In My Lifetime"

    When Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, she apparently was not shy about letting her evangelical beliefs be known. Now one resident of Wasilla is claiming that Palin said that Jesus is coming back in her lifetime...
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    Hitler & The Nazis Were On The Far Left Of The Political Spectrum

    Why does everyone think the Nazis were on the far right of the political spectrum? They were actually on the far left. -The Nazis were socialists. -The Nazis loved big government. -The Nazis loved tight government control of the people. -The Nazis legalized abortion in Germany. -The Nazis...
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    Barack Obama Exposed As A Pro-Infanticide Baby Killer In New Ads

    In a shocking new ad sponsored by, abortion survivor Gianna Jesson hits Barack Obama hard for his active opposition as state senator to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. The Born Alive Infants Protection Act was introduced to stop hospitals from leaving babies who...
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    The Financial System Is Dying And Neither Bush, McCain Or Obama Can Save You Now

    Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, and AIG have failed or are failing. Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, said over the weekend: "We will see other major firms fail." So why is this happening? The truth is that America has had...
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    U.K.'s Biggest Credit Card Provider Says We'll All Get A Chip Soon

    The biggest credit card provider in the U.K. is now publicly saying that the plan is for everyone to start paying for their purchases with a microchip instead of a credit card very soon. "In time you won't have to carry a plastic credit card around with you if you don't want to, although some...