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  1. JohnT

    Does God Hate Witches?

    In another thread here, some posters became upset at me about things they wrongly assumed about me and other Christians in general. That is gone. Therefore, I begin a new thread (having sought permission) I post this caveat as an official statement from the owners of this site: C&WR is...
  2. JohnT

    Jon Bon Jovi's prayer for Veterans

    This song got to me because it is so true, and all of us who served, especially in war time know the truth behind the lyrics It is the theme song for the Netflix movie To be of Service which is about vets and their service dogs. It really is a prayer...
  3. JohnT

    To Cease or to Continue, that is the Question

    I found some definitions from Wiki today, and thought it would be a decent place to express opinions about one's beliefs about the Gifts of Holy Spirit being continued or ceasing. I do request that posters use Scripture in its context to back things up, and also to state "I am just guessing"...
  4. JohnT

    Proposed Rule Change via resolution

    Brothers and Sisters: In light of what happened on one thread, where after a warning came to abate the attacks, and they continued, forcing a closure, I put this forth as a consideration for the mods. and the rest of us. THIS IS NOT A DEBATE, BUT A ONE TIME COMMENT THREAD And I am asking...
  5. JohnT

    The first Thanksgiving

    The First Thanksgiving- traditions and their origins Some true things here, but not all Most of us are familiar with the stories of the first Thanksgiving the Indians and the Pilgrims meeting together and having a feast in the woods in 1621. The first American Thanksgiving was...
  6. JohnT

    History and Demogogues

    The most recent revelation from Senator Obama’s campaign shows that he is a demagogue in the vein those in Europe in the 1930s..Obama wants to punish the rich to give welfare to the rest of us. Politico explains part of his energy policy this way “The first part of Obama’s plan...
  7. JohnT

    Is the Bible correct?

    On a now-closed thread, KCKID wrote in post #776 in an effort to discredit Scripture, and thus make a case for the pro homosexual agenda: Romans 1:1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, 2(Which he had promised afore by his prophets in...
  8. JohnT

    Wayne Bent / Michael Travesser

    Here is a hot potato, sent out to generate discussion, nothing more, OK? I was surprised that no one mentioned it here, yet, so I did. According to my research, Wayne Bent / Michael Travesser is a former SDA pastor. The Branch Davidian Seventh Day Adventist Church was formed in Los Angeles...
  9. JohnT

    What EXACTLY is Righteousness?

    Some have requested a study in righteousness, especially as it pertains to our friends here. In order to do that, we first must define the term, then note how righteousness is infused, not imparted via good deeds, or law keeping to the believer. Righteousness Defined Righteousness. God the...
  10. JohnT

    Important Doctrines and Inerrancy: An Axiom

    Having blogged with many SDA bloggers on several sites, not merely CARM, and having mulled this over for quite some time, I have come to this conclusion , and so thoroughly believe its veracity that I propose it as an axiom: THE LOWER THE DEGREE OF BELIEF IN AN INERRANT AUTOGRAPHA, THE EASIER...
  11. JohnT

    membership hemorrhage?

    In doing research for another project, I came across this, an official resolution adopted in GC in 2007. IT READS IN PART: Conserving Membership Gains - an Appeal FINAL DRAFT RECOMMENDED To approve the following appeal to the world...
  12. JohnT

    Fundamental Belief 1 questions

    Looking closely at the two official statements of the SDA church causes me concern. That is because they seem to have a lower opinion of Scripture than I do, and since that seems to be the case, it is easy for anyone holding a low opinion of Scripture to supplant Scripture with the writings of...
  13. JohnT

    Is SDA theology semi-Pelagian?

    Encyclopedia Britannica says this about Pelagius, and Pelagianism:Coming to Rome c. 380, Pelagius, though not a priest, became a highly regarded spiritual director for both clergy and laymen. The rigorous asceticism of his adherents acted as a reproach to the spiritual sloth of many Roman...
  14. JohnT

    Debating rules applied

    In an attempt to discuss some of the things EGW wrote, I will make this statement, and analogy. In forensics, it is the responsibility of the affirmative side, the side making the proposition that this is that to supply proof, or else the proposition fails FOR LACK OF EVIDENCE. Now the...