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  1. Jere209


    Am I the only one that has watched this show for 40 years and upset about it's cancelling? :( :cry:
  2. Jere209

    photography thread

    I love photography and did not see any photography threads here in this forum, so I decided to start one. Please share yours as well! :)
  3. Jere209

    Dance Central

    Have any of you played? I love the games..But, man, somewhere in my "youth" I've forgotten how to move that body..and my bones hurt today! lol
  4. Jere209

    Merry Christmas All

    Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone! Have a safe and happy and blessed holiday. Remember Jesus Christ, our risen Lord and Savior, during this time, and that He is the reason we have this holiday. If you're lonely, remember He's there. If you're hurting, remember He's there. If you're...
  5. Jere209 does a person get to know others here?

    :wave: I see no thread for newbies here. Just wondering how to begin. I've been a part of CF since 07 but never really posted in singles area, and since I am a "mature" lol, single then I guess I should post here..
  6. Jere209

    Fall dressup contest

    :wave: In light of the Fall season being upon us, a new season to be thankful to the Lord for, I thought it would be great to have a dressup contest to celebrate that fact. With a twist, ;) You must have a correlating scripture to go with your complete attire and background. And...
  7. Jere209


    Hi there..Is there a Fellowship thread that one can jump in on? Thanks!
  8. Jere209

    Oldie wanting to say hello

    So hey everyone ! Been a long time ...Just saying hi and hope all is ok! There's several I miss and wonder how you all are.. God bless Lisa