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  1. S

    Difficulties with promotion

    Nevermind, what a waste of my time.
  2. S

    Struggling with family member (sorry, long)

    So my mother-in-law... her visits have always been a little rough but this last one was the worst. She is the usual you know - critical, treating us like stupid children who don't know how to live, etc. But she's gotten worse and my husband really wants nothing to do with her. He can just let...
  3. S

    How do you know?

    First I apologize. Wow. It's been one year and one day exactly since I've been on this forum. I have gone through a lot lately, nothing terrible, but I have been thinking about coming back here for awhile and here I am. Well, I have a church that I attended, it was basically a morning Bible...
  4. S

    Just tired of everything!

    Don't even know where to start. I'm in one of those moods, the smallest things set me off. But I have felt depressed on and off at least half of my life. I never do anything about it though. I'm scared the doctor will just tell me to lose weight (part of my problem is my health) and to talk to a...
  5. S

    I think my parents are divorcing

    I just found out. My parents just had their 33rd anniversary. I've known there to be problems for at least 2 or 3 years now. I don't know what to think or feel, but it's scary. I don't blame my mom for leaving - my dad has always been impossible and the past few years have been bad. He's not...
  6. S

    Friendship turned sour

    I had this friend, her and I hit it off, confided in each other, and she talked to me daily. We had a lot of laughs so I didn't understand why she sent me this IM. Actually it was sent by mistake. It was bad-mouthing me to another friend. She tried to make excuses instead of just admitting she...
  7. S

    I'm new, navigating the site

    Hey all, I'm new here, I posted once but didn't realize how many forums there are! I just found this newbie thread. I am going through some stuff and my faith in people has never been lower. I'm pushing people in my life away. I suppose that's for another forum. Ok I see something about...
  8. S

    New here - wow

    I never thought I'd see a Childfree forum existing on a Christian forum. I'm still learning so much about religion, and so many times I have felt I can't be both. But I've never felt so strongly about something. I have no maternal feelings. I don't think I have the right stuff to be a mom. I've...