Search results

  1. Macarius

    Relationship of Warrant and Claim in Maintaining Tradition?

    General question - I'm interested in particular in hearing (not debating, though I may ask follow-up questions for clarity) from the more traditionalist posters here, though others are welcome to chime in. To what degree do we, as Orthodox Christians, feel it necessary to adopt not just the...
  2. Macarius

    Free Resource for Patristic Use of Scripture

    Hello all, Here's an online, searchable index of early Christian use of the scriptures. It takes some getting used to, and you have to make an account (though it is completely free), but it is really, really helpful once grasped. Two other problems: it provides only the reference / point...
  3. Macarius

    A story

    From the Sayings of the Desert Fathers: A brother in Scetis committed a fault. A council was called to which Abba Moses was invited, but he refused to go to it. Then the priest sent someone to him, saying, 'Come, for everyone is waiting for you.' So he got up and went. He took a leaking...
  4. Macarius

    Book Recommendations: Theological Anthropology

    Hello all, I've been debating internally about how to go about this. About, oh, two years ago I took a hiatus from TAW for personal reasons, but it was also in the context of what I think is a really critical discussion for the Church of our generation. As we all know, our time period faces...
  5. Macarius

    Peaks head back in

    Hello? Hi. How's it going? :sorry: :wave:
  6. Macarius

    Please pray for me

    I'm not doing particularly well at the moment; my "cross" feels a lot heavier then it sometimes does. Family's fine, baby's fine, seminary's fine - me, not so much.
  7. Macarius

    Purely (PURELY) Hypothetical Question:

    At what point would you, as a layman (or reader, or subdeacon), be willing to go to a bishop and accuse an Orthodox priest of heresy? What sort of thing would that priest have to say or do to reach that point? I know this is a tricky question, because there are some extreme examples that...
  8. Macarius

    Synagogue discovered with icon-like mosaics

    From the late 4th / early 5th century. Mosaic in Israel shows biblical Samson - There are even earlier ones with icon-like images, but this just adds fuel to the fire that the Christians did not borrow their iconography wholesale from Rome in some kind of sharp break with an...
  9. Macarius

    Church History Introduction: Overview and Links

    Christ is Risen! I'll provide the links first in order to ease future navigation through this project. Each link will be "dead" until the post corresponding to that era goes up. The Apostolic Age: AD 33-70 The Church Under Pagan Rome: AD 70-313 The Classical Church of Late Antiquity...
  10. Macarius

    Church History: An Introduction?

    I don't know if anyone here has noticed, but I like Church History a lot. Really a lot. We've received several inquiries from people lately asking how to become more informed about the subject matter; would there be any interest in me posting a series of posts in St. Basil's (our subforum for...
  11. Macarius

    Fervent Prayers Needed

    A couple from my home parish have just been told that their 22-week pregnancy is already entering pre-labor. The little boy has to make it to 24 weeks to even have a chance at living. The doctors are somewhat pressuring them to terminate the pregnancy (which they won't do, but the pressure...
  12. Macarius

    Youth in the NY / NJ area

    Hello TAW, This is partially in response to the frustration expressed (in a couple of threads) about the state of youth ministry in the NY area. I'm interested in possibly doing something about that, and had an idea that I wanted to run by you (to see if you or anyone you know would be...
  13. Macarius

    I Have a Daughter

    She was born Dec 23rd, weighing 6 lbs and 13 oz and 20" long. For those who know about this stuff, her APGAR was a very, very healthy 9.9. Quite the Christmas present, and I doubt I will ever, ever forget this Christmas. We just got home from the hospital today.
  14. Macarius

    Malankara Indian Christian Speaks on Life at OCA Seminaries

    Here's the link, thought you might find it an interesting read. Seminarians Speak: Oriental Orthodox Receive Warm Embrace at St. Vladimir's and St. Tikhon's Seminaries | St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary
  15. Macarius

    Blessed Thanksgiving!

    The Akathist "Glory to God for All Things," written by a priest-martyr shortly before his death in a concentration camp: Glory to God for All Things: Kontakion 1 Everlasting King, Thy will for our salvation is full of power. Thy right arm controls the whole course of human life. We give...
  16. Macarius

    God Loves Babies

    So He's decided to give one to my wife and me. Fortunately, He also decided to give us several months to prepare before said baby actually arrives. In other words, my wife is blessedly pregnant and we found out this week :)
  17. Macarius

    Greek Fonts

    Anyone know if there are any decent free / low-cost Greek fonts out on the interwebs?
  18. Macarius

    I am up late. I should not be up late.

    I'm trying to finish the very, very, very last dinky little paper I need to finish my MA in Teaching. Someone please tell me to go to be and finish it tomorrow after church... :sorry: I evidently have no self-discipline. Either that or I'm so giddy with the thought of being done that I've...
  19. Macarius

    Prayers please

    I'm going into surgery today.
  20. Macarius

    Just passed my oral defense

    For my MA in Teaching; the topic was the use of literature (rather than philosophy or the social-sciences) as a pedagogical technique for religious education (since literature, unlike the other disciplines, offers students a "shared experience" with the author; it, seemingly it alone, can...