Search results

  1. GoldenKingGaze

    Faster than light approaches and impact?

    Considering that by chance perhaps with a swing around different galaxies, two free planets are moving towards each other at 30% and 80% light speed, the total is more than 100% and matter cannot naturally exceed light speed. What would happen around impact? In time and energy, would one planet...
  2. GoldenKingGaze

    Neale Donald Walshe and his Revelation of God?

    Has anyone read Neale Donald Walshe and of his revelation of God, so is it the same God as the Holy Spirit? Is God revealing Himself apart from the Bible and church history? Or is this fake or a deceiving spirit?
  3. GoldenKingGaze

    The things and entities worth the most in life, in the past and present and future?

    I think evaluating what things are worth is important. From worthship comes the word worship. We only worship God, not Heaven or angels, or governors or idols. Not the Prophets or temples or gold.... Yet precious gems are worth a lot. I think they have good qualities, as does Gold and Silver...
  4. GoldenKingGaze

    How do you explain the existence of evil, despite God being almighty, and all knowing, and perfect love?

    How do you forum posters explain that evil exists despite God being, all powerful, all knowing and all love? Why does God permit or create evil? Or did God not want it for anything? Is evil and illusion? Why did Jesus create the situation of the crucifixion and go through that? Why does the...
  5. GoldenKingGaze

    Discussion I am now doubtful , about my salvation.

    I was raised Catholic and my Pentecostal father pressed me to think positive and disciplined me to repent, my family was praying for me... I hated my life as a sinner, then I was given a medication and thought I was going to and turned to God asking for life and mercy. After days, I repented...
  6. GoldenKingGaze

    Isaiah 9:6 Father of Eternity or Eternal Father?

    In Isaiah 9:6 we read of the Eternal Father in non literal translations, or Father of Eternity in others, how do you see it? Modalists use this matter to their end, instead of Trinitarianism. Creator of time, who knows the end even now. Or Jesus is Father eternally, but of what?
  7. GoldenKingGaze

    Catholic Controversies and the Difficulty Finding a Full General Consensus?

    As a young man I was one of many who did not know what he believed as a Catholic. And I was humiliated by being taught, of the head theories, and catechism contrary to what I later found out was meant to believe, after I became a Protestant. Ideas like, how dare you want to prosper, and have...
  8. GoldenKingGaze

    Discussion Best novels and on screen stories, old and new, stories, characters, prose...?

    What are the best novels and on screen stories, old and new, stories, characters, prose...? I never read but watched the LOTR in one evening and was impressed. Character development and history around the rings were interesting, suspense around the ending was great. I also still love the Hitch...
  9. GoldenKingGaze

    Brief vision of a beautiful place?

    The other day I saw in my mind briefly, a lovely open place, with all depths of field in focus, I overlooked a path from like 40 metres up, looking at a man part of the way to a gate, vast like clouds, of gold, leaning to the left, and with trunk like ridges in it and a gold on the left, and...
  10. GoldenKingGaze

    New Apostolic Reformation NAR for State Church Authority, over the US presidency...

    How do we feel about first in best dressed for co-joining church and state again in the USA and other countries? First complainant or most popular or most positive, or best debates winner...? Maybe the NAR will get the foot in, as one of seven mountains? Perhaps the Roman Catholic Cardinal of...
  11. GoldenKingGaze

    But we are better people?

    Jesus was the best person and he grew up talking to the elders. As a man he was learned and addressed people needing healing, body and mind, the lepers, those tormented by unclean spirits, adults and little ones, tax collectors and prostitutes and also the Pharisees. People today unwittingly...
  12. GoldenKingGaze

    Discussion Matthew 8:16 Jesus and the healed paralytic were house owners.

    Looking at Matthew 8:16, Jesus and the paralytic according to Moses law, owned houses of their own, true? They lowered him through the roof to Jesus. They hated paying tax to the Romans. As a Catholic boy I was wrongly taught and not in keeping with the catechism that to be right being poor was...
  13. GoldenKingGaze

    Decently and in Order According to the Spirit and Original Corinthians.

    In context of the first century and Paul to the Corinthians, is a sense of decency and order that is Spirit Filled and not somber reverence as under the later to come Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant churches. Changing back to Spirit Filled in revivals and awakenings still later, not in each...
  14. GoldenKingGaze

    History lectures or writings on the church from the first century to the end of the twentieth at least?

    I am interested in a history account on YouTube, or in writings covering the church from the first century unto now or at least the end of the twentieth century. Continuationist and maybe Charismatic. Mentioning missions. And outstanding persons, in spiritual life and thought. Know of any to...
  15. GoldenKingGaze

    Hebrews 6 and 10, and salvation from the unpardonable sin?

    In Hebrews 6 and 10 is mention of a terrible fate awaiting those who reject or turn from all God's grace back to sin. This sin at the time was agreeing with the killing of Jesus and joining the Pharisees that rejected Jesus as Messiah. Paul was good to the Hebrews the readers and said better...
  16. GoldenKingGaze

    Discussion Changed in the twinkling of an eye?

    In this passage below, is Paul telling of salvation, sanctification or glorification in the twinkling of an eye? Doesn't sanctification take time and obedience through trials and tests? NKJV 1 Corinthians 15:47-54. 47The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is [j]the Lord...
  17. GoldenKingGaze

    Leaving the dictator format of church leadership.

    The apostles in the first century were persuasive and showed truly well from the Old Testament that the New Testament was true. They really suffered as servants, after Jesus' example. The apostles due to hardship and persecution could not raise up new apostles. Later the dictator or emperor...
  18. GoldenKingGaze

    Could Pastors Bonnke and Kolenda in history have had so much success without welcoming the Holy Angels in the services?

    Could Pastors Bonnke and Kolenda of CFAN have had so much success in their services such as in Nigeria and Burkina Faso, without welcoming the holy angels in their services? In other churches their can be a dislike of angels.
  19. GoldenKingGaze

    Discussion What things do you expect to receive at the moments of dying and shortly after?

    Whats things do we charismatics expect to receive at the moment of death and just after? Divine light and love, knowledge, living water, Jesus' sacred blood...,...?
  20. GoldenKingGaze

    What do believers expect to receive at the moment of death?

    What do believers in Jesus expect to receive at the moment of death and for those first minutes after they die? Things like being taken up in angels hands? Divine light, love, being agape? Jesus's sacred blood? Living water? Golden light? Inky blackness? Fire of God, or anointing? Fruits of...