Search results

  1. Hoankan

    Christ is born! And long time no speak

    Christ is born! Besides one of the stickies, I doubt I am remembered by many. Times have gotten harder and harder. Throughout my times only one thing has remained constant, my trials to follow Christ. So with this lonely Christmas upon me, I hope you will have me back here in TAW and I pray...
  2. Hoankan

    omiai, Japanese tradition arrainge marraige systems and me

    When I first became an Orthodox Christian, I never would have imagined the journey I was stepping onto. The hardships either keeping with the faith or trying to do some of the most basic tennants. Dealing with others and the challenges that it presented. It doesn't help all the problems I...
  3. Hoankan

    a chat with the saints

    To say that times have been harsh would be an understatement. It's usually hard to even get out of bed in the morning. Things just seems to keep finding new ways of smacking me in the back of the head. I've found myself thinking back to my great aunt, how she use to do things and say things. I...
  4. Hoankan

    anyone remember me?

    Been ages since I posted in here. Looking at the names, looks like a lot of people have changed round here. Feels strange coming back after such a long absence.
  5. Hoankan

    Annunciation Church in Missoula

    Well for the first time in five years, I will be going home next Sunday. Oddly enough, I'll be arriving in the US 3 hours before I had left Japan. ^_^ It'll be so nice to get away from the humidity and see my hometown once again. It'll also be hard as the day after I get back, I have to drive...
  6. Hoankan

    purchasing icons, the good, the bad and the ugly

    This thread is meant to be a place to post where to get icons and where not to get icons and will serve as a resource for TAW to help guide people on the purchasing of icons. So, I need your help. Please post the places to buy icons and places to avoid (state why please) in this thread and I...
  7. Hoankan

    Christ is Risen!

    Christ is Risen! It's been a long time since I posted here and it's been a very hard year this past year for me in all things. This year, I could not make the Pascha service, so I did something else, I set up my home alter tonight and renewed myself in prayer. It's not as good as being in...
  8. Hoankan

    finding energy

    Whew! First term is nearly finished and summer vacation is almost upon me. As my work load is lightening up, I'm finally catching up on some rest and doing somethings outside of work. The change has been very fast and very noticable. So with renewed energy, I am looking forward to my first...
  9. Hoankan

    Important Information please read

    As some of you may or may not know, the Teens section is having problems with people who shouldn't be able to see or post in different sections doing so. This is because the protocals that block people from seeing or posting in restricted areas isn't working properly. The advisors are looking...
  10. Hoankan

    psalm 23

    I found this today on youtube. Very nice and helped me remember something very important. YouTube - Psalm 23
  11. Hoankan

    welcome back announcement

    Welcome back teens, As you can see, we have the new forums for you all ready for use. However, I ask that you do not rehash what has happened to the old forum. Too much has happened to have that wound reopened. Hoankan Ministry Administrator
  12. Hoankan

    prayer request

    I could use some prayers. Recently my health hasn't been all that good. I know a lot of it has to do with food, or the massive imbalance that is my eating habits, but I'm sure other things are also taking their toll. These past few weeks, it's really taken its toll on my mentally too. I've...
  13. Hoankan

    Christ is risen!

    Harisutosu ni fukatsu! Christ is risen! I've had trouble posting this several times now. Let's hope it works this time. Last night was a beautiful service. We had a Romanian priest join Father George so the service was 50% Japanese, 25% Romanian and 25% English. First time I have ever heard...
  14. Hoankan

    Buddhism and Orthodoxy

    OK, I know Father Seraphim Rose wrote a book on this, but I cannot figure out which one. Any other pointers that would help a Buddhist understand what Orthodoxy is would be very much appreciated.
  15. Hoankan

    Happy New Year!

    Well folks, the clock rolled over 41 minutes ago. That means I'm a year ahead of you guys:cool::P:D Have a Happy New Year!
  16. Hoankan

    confession and repentence question

    I messed up very badly recently. It took some time for the situation to sink in on its full depth and implications. It caused a lot of regret on my part and I've worked diligently to make amends. As soon as I can, I will confess it to Father George. But that got me thinking. In this case, I...
  17. Hoankan

    incase you haven't noticed, congrats Proto

    Congrats on your promotion to supervisor!:clap:
  18. Hoankan

    who do you complain to?

    When things are driving you up the wall or stress has you and you just need to vent, who do you go and talk to?
  19. Hoankan

    psalm 148 and the Eucharist

    Since St. Basil's is still needing its first thread, I thought I'd bring up a subject that has interested me. I don't know about any other churches, but my church in Nagoya while the Eucharist is finished being prepared and any let comers go through confession, they do a singing of Psalm 148...
  20. Hoankan

    Welcome to St. Basil the Great's

    May this great saint watch over and pray for us as we go about learning more deeply about that faith which has been handed down to us.:crosseo: