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  1. R

    Will I ever get over my anxiety?

    The anxiety's so bad...I'm supposed to go out on the deck every night and pray, and I'm trying to believe in God, but it's difficult. I don't have a lot of faith.
  2. R

    What if my anxiety won't get better unless I'm a good Christian?

    Hi all. I've been suffering from serious anxiety issues for many years. I was raised a Christian, but at this point I don't know what I believe. I'm confused about what the truth is. But anyway... I don't know how many of you believe in prophecy, but one day at church an older girl told me God...
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    [MOVED] Did Adam and Eve have fight/flight response?

    Now this question may sound weird, but fight/flight is one of those things that is explained through evolution. Now you could say God created life with a fight/flight response, but why would he do that in the no-danger environment of the Garden of Eden? Did he put it into Adam and Eve knowing...
  4. R

    Where is the line with "playing God"?

    A lot of religious people get annoyed at things like stem cell research, research into reversing aging, genetic engineering and it sort of confuses me. Everyone talks about "playing God". Why isn't just treating cancer considered "playing God"? I mean if the idea is that disease came into the...
  5. R

    Does God really *punish* nations based on whether or not they follow Christian values?

    A lot of people are saying God will punish America because of the legalization of same-sex marriage. My question is..what does this mean in effect? Does this mean that if we go to war our jet fighters will somehow stop working mid-combat? Our guns will jam? Does it mean our economy will...
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    Hey books that can greatly reduce your anxiety, even cure you.

    I don't say this lightly. I don't even come on these forums that often but I saw this section and had to share with people two books that have helped me see the way out. Basically, the way out of anxiety is acceptance. If you don't care that you are anxious, if you don't care that you are...
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    Do you think Christianity and evolution are compatible? If so, why? If not, why not?

    I'm more interested to hear theistic evolutionists explain how the two are compatible, but for those who don't accept it feel free to explain why as well. For those Christians who DO accept evolution: 1. Don't the genealogies given in the Gospels from Jesus to Adam cover ~6000 years? 2. While...
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    What is truly meant by the term "Son of God"?

    Obviously it's not implying that Jesus is the LITERAL Son of God, as in God's wife gave birth to him. Why then does the Bible use the term SON? And I just realized, the Bible refers to Jesus as God's only BEGOTTEN SON. The term "begotten" usually refers to an actual child brought about by...
  9. R

    How do guys like Ken Ham explain the different races of people?

    Do they say that Europeans are descended from Japheth, Asians from Shem, and Africans from Ham, like they used to say? I'm not sure how else you could explain these different ethnic groups coming about in 6,000 years...could you? Without resorting to some idea like black people are cursed...
  10. R

    Why did God make it so animals need to eat in order to survive?

    May sound like an insane question, but bear with me. It's just much easier to explain with an evolutionary worldview. Animals competing in evolutionary arms races to kill each other is a cruel process. Why would God endorse such a system, dog-eat-dog, survival of the fittest? That applies...
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    Serious question for Christians who do not accept evolution.

    I feel as if this question is a clincher, and am surprised it is not asked more often. You may be underwhelmed at first, but here we go: Why are human beings mammals? Christianity for centuries has supposed that human beings are above animals, totally different to them. Well then why is our...
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    The question of the snake in Genesis.

    I was thinking about this, and realized that it must have been a literal snake, since all of snakekind was cursed to no longer have legs. If it was Satan in the form of a snake, why would God curse the entire species of snakes when it was not TRULY a snake? I'm just not convinced that the...
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    I'm sure this has been posted about a lot. I'm an agnostic, leaning towards atheist. But recently I realized how sick the concept of Hell actually is. I was raised a Christian. We are taught about it in Sunday school, and think almost nothing of it. We are desensitized to it. Anyway, how do...
  14. R

    My experience...Ken Ham and YEC.

    Hey everyone. I was brought up a Christian fundamentalist. My parents were more or less YECs. As I got older, I got more interested in the creation/evolution debate. Some time in my late teens, my mind finally dealt with the cognitive dissonance and I accepted evolution. Because I had been...
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    Something bad that is happening in the church today...

    People are getting the impression that they can't believe in evolution and be Christians, so they aren't Christians because they can't not believe in evolution.
  16. R

    How do you explain Sheol?

    In the Old Testament, there is no Hell, only Sheol, which is where EVERYONE who dies goes, not just righteous people. In the New Testament you have Hell. Apparently the ancient Jews were influenced by the Greek view of the afterlife during the Hellenistic Age. The Greeks had a realm for the good...
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    The elephant in the room: the massive, looming problem of the Christian Right.

    I could write a lengthy thread on all of my issues with the Christian Right, but I don't really feel like it. I am, however, proud of myself for cleverly naming this thread. You know...since the elephant is the symbol of the Republican Party. I understand the social issue part of it: gay...
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    For me, it's either theistic evolution or nothing.

    There are mountains of evidence for evolution. It is corroborated by research in every field. Scientists are basically unanimous these days. The only ones who won't give in, after 150 years, are the fundamentalists. So for me, and many others I'm sure, it's either theistic evolution or we...
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    This silly view that God actually designs your individual appearance.

    I'm not sure whether or not anyone actually believes that God specifically designs a person's physical appearance. When we're kids, we are taught that. Like God picked our nose, eye color, etc. But I'm pretty sure genetics dictates the way you look. Which is why, to put it very bluntly, some...
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    Let's talk about prophecy.

    Hey guys, how's it hanging? I'd like to talk about prophecy. My mother has prayed for me and my sister many times in a prophetic manner. This started maybe five years ago at a church we were going to. The church wasn't exactly Pentacostal, but it had some mild elements of that. I'm just...