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  1. AirPo

    Mike Pence and the 'rabbi'

    And I thought no body could get lower than Trump other than Trump. Full piece here -->:sick:
  2. AirPo

    Trump attacks Paul Ryan, says he 'knows nothing' about birthright citizenship

    Not a good move on Trump's part. Full story here -->:wave:
  3. AirPo

    Reese's created a machine to swap out all the Halloween treats you

    Brilliant! Full story here -->:wave::clap:
  4. AirPo

    "Our world is burning in front of our eyes, and what Juliana [v. United States] tells us is that our

    Where are our free speech advocates? Full story here -->:wave:
  5. AirPo

    Boston gangster James 'Whitey' Bulger killed in West Virginia prison a day after transfer

    Reminds me of a quote from Shawshank Redemption Full story here-->:sigh:
  6. AirPo

    Should I wear that costume for Halloween? Consult this flowchart

    Should I wear that costume for Halloween? Consult this flowchart - CNN
  7. AirPo

    Local, national officials decline to appear with Trump in Pittsburgh

    Wow, how bad do you have to suck before none of the leader on Congress will accept your invitation? Full story here -->:(Sad.
  8. AirPo

    Jimmy Carter calls for Brian Kemp to resign as GA secretary of state

    You know you've gone too far when you manage to push Jimmy Carter's buttons. Full story here -->:wave:
  9. AirPo

    The suspect was arrested in South Florida

    Breaking on CNN.
  10. AirPo

    Man who killed 2 at Kroger tried to enter a predominantly black church minutes earlier, police say

    Sad a church has to lock it's doors and shopping while black has become a death sentence. Full story here -->:(
  11. AirPo

    Mookie Betts Praised for Feeding Homeless After Game 2 World Series Win

    :clap::hug: Full story here -->:clap::hug:
  12. AirPo

    Explosive device sent to CNN featured parody ISIS flag, 'Get Er Done' inscription

    Fatal flaw? Or maybe just a breadcrumb. IIRC the unabomber was caught based on something similar. Full story here -->:wave:
  13. AirPo

    Trump claims media to blame for 'anger' after bombs sent to CNN, Dems

    So much for unity. :rolleyes: Full "purposely false and inaccurate reporting" story here -->:rolleyes:
  14. AirPo

    Trump 'says it's OK,' says man accused of groping passenger on Southwest flight

    Thanks Trump! Full story here -->:wave:
  15. AirPo

    Trump frustrated, feels betrayed by the Saudis

    If he wasn't such a weak president, the Saudis never would have tried to pull off something like this. Full story here -->:wave:
  16. AirPo

    10/17/2018 the Red Sox vs. Astros

    Anyone see the "play?" I'm not sure the call on the field was correct, the the review call was. Not enough evidence to confirm or reverse. From this article -->Red Sox win marathon Game 4 to near World Series berth No interference shall be allowed is really vague.
  17. AirPo

    The Conners

    Anyone watch last night?
  18. AirPo

    Black babysitter questioned by cops

    The beat goes on. Black babysitter questioned by cops - CNN Video
  19. AirPo

    Watch the surge coming in.

    Bradenton, FL, South of Tampa. LIVE: Waves crash on beach in Bradenton, FL - CNN
  20. AirPo

    Giant mosquitoes emerge in North Carolina post-Florence

    Oh joy. Full story here -->:eek: