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  1. D

    Singles cruise

    Hi All Just got back from a 10 day singles cruise in the Caribbean. I knew about 20 people from 3 previous cruises. The cruise was out of Fort Lauderdale, to Princess Cay in the Bahamas, a 2 day sail down to Cartagena Columbia, half was thru the Panama Canal and then on to Costa Rica to zip...
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    Single church meetings

    So the weekly email from church this week announced they are creating a new singles ministry for 35 and older. The email talked about how leadership is all in place, what the goals are. There will be twice monthly Saturday meetings plus quarterly outings and yearly weekend off site to yearly...
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    Hardness of our heart.

    We all know what Jesus said in Mt.19 about Moses allowing divorce cause of the hardness of our hearts. The long I live the more the way Christians quote this phrase the more it bothers me. Some seem to quote it and be saying people today don't harden their heart like they did in OT times...
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    Regular church attendance.

    I attend church ever Sunday I can. I just got my weekly email, small sermon/announcements from church. The sermon was get back to church regularly now that summer is over. One of the reasons was as follows: Attending church regularly sets an example to unbelievers in your life. As a faithful...
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    Do home church Christians support Trump?

    Just curious. If you do why?
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    TED talk by a lady with AS.

    Very good talk ... yet a little painful to was also as we can sense her AS limits. But as Alix Henerous says its had benefits as well as the limitations.
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    miss-a : tell us about your new book.

    I don't remember that you even mentioned before that you were writing a book. Congrats on writing it. Can you tell us something about it?
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    Messy .. tells us about your new book.

    I don't remember that you even mentioned before that you were writing a book. Contrats on writing it. Can you tell us something about it?
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    Words and emotions

    So I have a GF how has 3 traits of BPD. She gets upset with me at times and I think the emotions she feels come from the words she wants to express. She knows I love her, but since we are an hours flight apart we don't see each other that often. So the last couple of says she is upset saying I...
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    Merry Christmas

    I want to wish everyone how I interact with here on CF Mature Singles a Merry Christmas.
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    Things are getting better in the USA!

    Some statistics that show how things are improving .... Today's teenagers are the best-behaved generation on record - Vox The US Murder Rate Is on Track to Be Lowest in a Century | Mother Jones
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    feeling disconnected

    Thought I would create a discussion about a concept/idea that I've run into a number of times the last year. Its not a feeling I relate to having, but the negative of it seems to effect people I'm in a close relationship with. A person has a lot of concerns about how others are going. Might be...
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    Adults who were kids in a divorce

    I've heard adults say they wish they didn't put the kids thru years of pain waiting till they were grown to get a divorce. I dawned on me that I've not heard adults who were kids and their parents had a bad marriage yet didn't get a divorce for the sake of the kids comment on what it was like...
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    Love your enemies

    So last night I'm listening to Christian TV. Dr. Doug is being interviewed about relationships and marriage. From what he says he had a great track record of helping people. One guys asked about how he was to treat an exGF. It wasn't clear if they had been married or not, or if they had kids...
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    New dimension to prayer

    I write this in another place, it seems to be something that God is speaking to me about prayer and my relationship with Him this year. I've had a certain frustration with prayer for the last 30 yrs. Some of my prayers, like a handful, had miraculous answers, but most seemed to just go up to God...
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    Rebound relationships

    I was wondering if any of you have had a rebound relationship? What are your thoughts on these? Divorce Care teaches we are to avoid them at all costs. Make sure to get personally healed before starting any relationship. I had a rebound relationship during my divorce. It was amazing how...
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    The Pain of Eros

    So a friend told me about Marc Gafni a Jewish Rabbi. I guess a somewhat controversial rabbi. Anyways I found this youtube video of his to be what I've been traying to live and now I've been trying to love people. Hope you find it meaningful as well. Marc Gafni On The Pain Of Eros - YouTube
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    Fall - Corn Maze

    This Sat. I'm going to a corn maze for the 1st time. Anyone else done that? I'm let you know what I think after I do it.
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    New dating rules?

    I came across this quote: Chiara Atik, author of Modern Dating: A Field Guide. We all get that the rules of traditional courtship — in which men make every single advance and women demur or acquiesce — are dead, but we haven’t replaced them with a new standard operating procedure...
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    How much do we know about our spirituality?

    I had a very good vacation, learned a lot. The title of the workshop was Sexuality and Spirituality. I can't say I learned anything about sexuality, but I learned a whole lot about spirituality. By that I don't mean my relation with God who is spirit. Nor am I thinking about the spiritual...