Search results

  1. kenrapoza


    Hi All, I greatly appreciate the responses I received to my question regarding Archbishop Lazar and additional resources for the Western Christian trying to understand the Eastern church on its own terms. I was wondering about the idea of apokatastasis. Is ultimate, universal reconciliation...
  2. kenrapoza

    Archbishop Lazar

    Hi All, As an outsider to the EO faith, but someone that is interested in learning more about EO from its own theologians rather than from other outsiders looking in, I was wondering if Archbishop Lazar is considered to be a credible source among the Orthodox. My understanding is that some of...
  3. kenrapoza

    Santa Claus

    Hey all, This is something that I have to start thinking about now and I'd like the thoughts from other mature Reformed believers... For those of you who have kids, did you teach them to believe in Santa Claus? Do you think it is a harmful lie or is it an innocent way for a child to...
  4. kenrapoza

    Pleasing God

    Hey Folks, Has anyone read the book "Pleasing God" by RC Sproul? I was curious to know if anyone had found it helpful or would recommend it - or if they found the opposite. Thanks guys! Ken
  5. kenrapoza

    It's 6:30 And I'm Still Here...

    Big surprise, huh? Not even an earthquake, that was pretty lame! Anyways - I imagine there are some folks who could use a lot of prayer right about now, and a lot of people who found another tidbit they can use to rail against God's truth.
  6. kenrapoza

    John Piper in Relation to Historic Baptist Theology

    Greetings Baptist brethren! :wave: I was curious about how Baptists view John Piper's theology in relation to historic Baptist theology. There is a short article here about his views in relation to Dispensationalism, Covenant Theology and New Covenant Theology. Basically, it says that he...
  7. kenrapoza

    Baptism and Circumcision Compared

    I found this summary posted over at the Puritan Board and figured I would put the link here since it's kind of a helpful concise Scripture list covering the Reformed/Presbyterian view of the connection between Old Covenant circumcision and New Covenant baptism. It's not exhaustive but it's a...
  8. kenrapoza

    The Difference Between Legal Mortification and Gospel Mortification

    I figured I would post this interesting blog post from The Gospel Coalition. What is interesting is the extended quote from Ralph Erskine on the differences between legal mortification and gospel mortification. It's getting to the heart of what gospel-driven sanctification looks like as...
  9. kenrapoza

    Christmas Sermon From the Words of Martin Luther as Read by Rod Rosenbladt

    I came across this link at the WHI blog, it's an mp3 of Rod Rosenbladt reading a Christmas sermon that was put together from various writings of Martin Luther. For your listening pleasure: Christmas Sermon From Luther
  10. kenrapoza

    Christmas Sermon From the Words of Martin Luther as Read by Rod Rosenbladt

    I came across this link at the WHI blog, it's an mp3 of Rod Rosenbladt reading a Christmas sermon that was put together from various writings of Martin Luther. For your listening pleasure: Christmas Sermon From Luther
  11. kenrapoza

    What Kind of Evangelical Are You?

    Someone posted a link to this quiz in the Lutheran forum. It's pretty decent so I thought I would share the wealth a bit. What Kind of Evangelical Are You | For the record - I came out as "Evangelical Presbyterian" and I probably attend a PCA church it says!
  12. kenrapoza

    Christus Victor

    Greetings! :wave: I've heard from several different sources that there is a significant theological affinity between the Lutherans and Eastern Orthodox. I find that quite puzzling for several reasons: 1.) Martin Luther considered justification to be the indispensible centerpiece of...
  13. kenrapoza

    How Pagan is too Pagan in Worship??

    Now...those of us in the Presbyterian tradition hold to the Regulative Principle of Worship. Most Christians don't...but this video is just the complete opposite. If you have any violent tendencies you may not want to watch, you may send your computer flying across the room...
  14. kenrapoza

    Should "Ask a Presbyterian" be a Sub-Forum

    With the current setup, one thread is used for all different questions. This can get confusing. Would it be better for a sub-forum where a separate thread can be used to hash out each question? Ken
  15. kenrapoza


    Hi Folks! :wave: Greetings from one of your next door neighbors from the Presbyterian forum. I had a couple of questions about the Lutheran view of baptism. It is my understanding that Lutherans view baptism as imparting faith and regeneration to the infant who receives it and that you...
  16. kenrapoza

    Biblical Witness Fellowship?

    Hi Folks! :wave: Greetings from a nextdoor neighbor in the Presbyterian forum. I was just curious what the feeling was among UCC folks about Biblical Witness Fellowship. Is this group considered to be controversial within the UCC? Do you guys generally support the group, or do you think...
  17. kenrapoza


    It's pretty amazing that this actually came through! First off we should thank the CF staff for listening to our request and actually creating a Presbyterian forum. Second, I think we all owe special thanks to NRB! Without his efforts this forum would not be here. He was willing to push for...
  18. kenrapoza

    Reformed Podcasts

    Hi Folks!! :wave: I wanted to know what y'all listened to for podcasts from a reformed perspective. Right now there are only two podcasts that I subscribe to that either are reformed or lean heavily towards reformed. They are: Renewing You Mind with R. C. Sproul The White Horse Inn...
  19. kenrapoza

    Millennial Views

    Hi All!! :wave: Since reformed Christians differ on this subject, I was curious to take a poll on what your millennial positions were. I'm not sure if this would be more appropriate in the eschatology section, but I was interested in hearing from the reformed folk on here! Also, along with...
  20. kenrapoza

    Has Your OT View Changed?

    I am curious to know if any of you have changed your view of OT or if you have always held the view that you currently hold. If you have changed your view what did you previously believe? (This includes the distinctions within Creationism, e.g., from YEC to OEC or PC.) If you have changed, what...