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  1. purplepride


    I have been wearing a purity ring since I was 15, do any of you girls wear one?
  2. purplepride

    In Loving Memory of Jose Ramon Mercado

    I lost my bestfriend Jose Ramon Mercado 2 years ago in November, he was my closest and most dear friend to me. We were dating at the time. Jose was riding a 4-wheeler and lost control hitting a tree. He was in acoma for 9 days and died. I miss him so much, my heart wants to talk to him so bad I...
  3. purplepride

    500 blessings if you can guess my dream car

    Try to guess my dream car and color. Have fun 500 blessings at stake.:thumbsup:
  4. purplepride


    This is going to sounds so stupid but here it goes......There is a guy at my work that likes me and hits on me all the time, I dont like him at all. I have told him that I have a boyfriend but he wont listen to me. I have even tried telling my boss so she will talk to him and she hasnt. Its...
  5. purplepride


    I am leaving for San Antonio on Friday. Its a school trip. (band) We are taking 2 charter buses and it is going to take us 10 hours to get there, and I dont really like long car rides. Plus my best friends boyfriends is going so she is going to ignore me the while time. Please just pray for a...