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  1. HereIStand

    Evangelizing Non-Christians on Christian Forums

    What is the best way to evangelize non-Christians on Christians Forums?
  2. HereIStand


    Not a firearm, no. I recall having a wooden one as a youngster. Dad made it for me. I keep getting ads for these slingshots: Has anyone ever tried these or any other type of commercial slingshot?
  3. HereIStand

    What It Costs to Be Smuggled Across the U.S. Border

    This article is a good on the ground look at the danger and corruption involved in human smuggling across the border. One particular point stood out, "Crossing into the United States without permission from the drug traffickers, or narcos, who controlled the border territory could be lethal."...
  4. HereIStand

    Requesting Prayer for My Cat

    My cat is drooling, having difficulty eating, cleaning himself, and drinking water. He has also lost weight. We took him to the vet last week and to an emergency clinic before that. Both times, they were unable to confirm anything serious. But he isn't improving and my wife and I are fearing the...
  5. HereIStand

    The 'Girl From the Bronx' Grew Up in the Suburbs

    Democrat Congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28 year old darling of the establishment, was raised in wealthy New York suburb. This is in contrast to her Horatio Alger image of the girl from the Bronx...
  6. HereIStand

    Read My New Novel For Free

    Download my new novel It Could Happen Here. Starting today through Friday, it is available for free on Amazon. It is a Christian novel that's part current events, part Christian apologetics, and lesser part autobiographic. I include fictional names for real schools, such as Texas Temple...
  7. HereIStand

    Red Hen owner followed Sanders family to another restaurant

    According to Mike Huckabee, “There’s a part of that story that hasn’t been told, you’re going to be the first to hear it,” Mr. Huckabee said, Mediaite first reported. “Once Sarah and her family left, of course Sarah was asked to please vacate, Sarah and her husband just went home. They had sort...
  8. HereIStand

    Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi Shouted Out of Theater

    The resistance continues to help Trump. 'Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was driven out of a movie theater on Saturday as a crowd of protesters surrounded her, shouting, “shame on you!” and “you’re a horrible person!” Trump-Friendly Florida AG Pam Bondi Driven Out Of Movie Theater: ‘Shame...
  9. HereIStand

    Sarah Sanders and Family Denied Service at Virginia Restaurant

    Denying service. How old-fashioned. Sarah Sanders 'gets kicked out of a Virginia restaurant' | Daily Mail Online
  10. HereIStand

    Mexican Presidential Candidate Calls Immigration a 'Human Right'

    'Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) called for mass immigration to the United States during a speech Tuesday declaring it a “human right” for all North Americans.' By that logic, my neighbors have a human right to invite themselves over and stay as long as they...
  11. HereIStand

    Cynthia Nixon Calls ICE a 'Terrorist Organization'

    Former TV star and now New York gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon called ICE a "terrorist organization' and calls for it to be abolished. It would be scary if she ever gained power. Cynthia Nixon calls ICE a 'terrorist organization' and says it should be abolished | Daily Mail Online
  12. HereIStand

    First Lady Melania Travels to Texas Border

    I approve this visit. Melania travels to Texas border to visit child detention center | Daily Mail Online
  13. HereIStand

    Activist Who Harassed Homeland Security Secretary is DOJ a Employee

    More bad news for the apolitical DOJ. Socialist Activist Who Harassed Homeland Security Secretary Works For The Department Of Justice
  14. HereIStand

    Raccoon Scales Tall Building in Minnesota

    A raccoon in Minnesota climbed a 25-story building. She was trapped on the roof and later released. Raccoon that climbed 25-story tower in Minnesota is released | Daily Mail Online
  15. HereIStand

    Twitter CEO Express Regret for Dining at Chick-fil-A

    Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO issued an apology of sorts after he shared details of his Chick-fil-A discount online. (We've reached a new low.)
  16. HereIStand

    EU Copyright Directive -- A Threat to the Internet?

    I've been reading a bit about EU's proposed copyright directive. As I understand it, any shared link, image, video, portion of an online article, and even open source software sharing would be required to go through copyright validation software. All possible violations of copyright infringement...
  17. HereIStand

    Trump Frees Alice Johnson Who Was Serving a Life Sentence

    Good news. Trump FREES drug offender grandmother who Kim Kardashian begged him to pardon | Daily Mail Online
  18. HereIStand

    Starbucks Chairman Resigns and Hints and 2020 Presidential Run

    It looks like we could have mix of diversity, high priced coffee, and politics in 2020. Pass the popcorn. :D Starbucks' Howard Schultz steps down as executive chairman | Daily Mail Online
  19. HereIStand

    Taylor Swift Builds That Wall

    It seems that unlike most in the entertainment industry, Taylor Swift may be a Trump supporter. :D She is "adding a 12- to 14-foot inner wall" around her Beverly Hills home to deter intruders and add privacy. Taylor Swift Is Building A Giant Wall Around Her Beverly Hills Home
  20. HereIStand

    Attacker Shouting 'Allahu Akbar' Kills Three in Belgium

    Two police officers have been killed in Belgium shooting | Daily Mail Online