Search results

  1. Andoverpolo

    Protestant/Evangelical Episcopal

    I'm looking for information about what Protestant Anglicans/Episcopals believe about Faith/Works, Communion, Grace, Scripture/Tradition, the Bible (literal or allegorical), Baptism, Purgatory, Confession, Divorce, Tithing and how Tithe money is supposed to be spent (shiny objects versus Mission...
  2. Andoverpolo

    Supporting Somebody with Cancer

    What do people with Cancer need? I have been taken by surprise and I do not know what to do. What do you do to convince them to accept treatments that could save their life? Does anybody know if faith healers really work?
  3. Andoverpolo

    Mental Hijack

    I'm screwing up badly. I've got a lot of anger and for reasons completely unknown to me I push that all on my wife, usually by shouting but sometimes by pushing or hitting. What frightens me more is that I do not remember it most of the time and I do not know when it happens. I can feel it...
  4. Andoverpolo

    "Just one to loosen up"

    I'm having some serious issues with anger and alcohol, it's tearing my marriage apart and very soon will destroy my career. I build up all this anger and stress and the first thing I think of is having just one drink, then it turns into a bottle. I wake up a few hours later and I'm crashed even...
  5. Andoverpolo

    What is the relationship b/w Episcopal and Anglican?

    I talked to an episcopal priest for an extended amount of time and I am interested. My family is very distantly episcopal but I do not know very much about it. Could anyone point me in the direction of some resources? I'm specifically interested in the Protestant philosophical background, who...
  6. Andoverpolo

    For military wives: "I Can't talk about it"

    Looks like I am going to miss Christmas this year. My wife asked why and as usual I gave her the only response I need to "I'm not allowed to talk about it." I have one of those military jobs that keeps me away during my limited free time for months at a time with no communication with home, I'm...
  7. Andoverpolo


    I'm under strict orders from a clinical psychologist to hold back on any negative thoughts, ie don't talk about things if I'm just going to say something negative. I'm going crazy, I've got nothing to talk about. What do normal people do in this situation? Suck in some Helium and giggle like...
  8. Andoverpolo

    Palestinians "Demand" a State

    Apparently the Palestinians are "demanding" a deadline for Israel to recognize them as a state. (Link) I had a good hard laugh about this. Shouldn't they finish their civil war before they run around demanding to be recognized? Which "State" should Israel recognize? The Fatah lead Ramallah...
  9. Andoverpolo

    Can't turn off the Anger

    Hey, Maybe I'm not the only service member that is going through this right now, but my life is really messed up because I'm constantly tense and angry. Some of my cousins died in 9/11 and then over in Afghanistan, I got into the AF because I love to fly and because I wanted revenge... so I...
  10. Andoverpolo

    Pentagon seriously needs to get its act together

    I'm freaking amazed - I was in DC a couple days ago and thought I'd stop by the PX in the Pentagon - No prior apt, no tours in the time period I showed up - nothing. The guards asked me what was up and I told them I wanted to visit the PX and here's the amazing part, they didn't ask for my...
  11. Andoverpolo


    Hi - first off - Hello there, So, I just learned an interesting thing the other day... apparently there are pagans still. I'm not sure what that term means exactly, I was under the impression it was perjorative but some college girl introduced herself to me as a "pagan" which surprised me...
  12. Andoverpolo


    Hey, I saw this on another forum At the same time I was researching the murder of that Iraqi girl and reading about Jessica Lunsford on the news. Really bad timing - anyway - I get infuriated reading about war criminals and their ilk who skip off with 15 year sentences from our...
  13. Andoverpolo

    In Secondary Communion with Rome?

    I learned something intriguing on wikipedia yesterday - if you check out the article describing which Churches are in communion with each other apparently Presbies in full communion with the Evangelical Lutherans who are presently working out communion agreements with the Methodists and...
  14. Andoverpolo


    Hey just reintroducing myself. I joined like two years ago and forgot about this forum - my wife became a member and got me reinterested but she left. I'm a convert to Catholicism, raised Presbyterian. I basically do my own thing, for most intents and purposes I'm a Catholic in name only but...
  15. Andoverpolo

    Benedict XVI and Olivia?

    What is the connection between Pope Benedict XVI and the name "Olivia?" Literally right up until Monday our children were going to be named Isabella and Anessa, however just after delivering she insisted that our second girl be named "Olivia" supposedly in honor of Pope Benedict XVI. She's been...
  16. Andoverpolo


    I can't find a general thread - mods feel free to move this post. My wife Annette had been spending a lot of time on this forum during her pregnancy and she wanted me to let her friends here know that we have two daughters we named Isabella and Olivia and she is recovering. Thanks
  17. Andoverpolo


    YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKES! This place is positively ginormic! I am glad, just a little confused! I recently joined Stormfront (neo-Nazis) hoping to knock some sense into them and was disheartened that they have 80,000 members, so this is QUITE refreshing! My name is Dave Hamilton, i'm from...