Search results

  1. Joshua83

    Starting an investment company but...

    Hello all. I'm wanting to start a company but am having trouble deciding what type - an investment company, or rather a multi-faceted company whose primary focus is security investments and things like that or a faith based publishing company. Problem is I have zero money (completely flat...
  2. Joshua83

    1598 Beza Text

    Not sure if this has ever been posted yet, but this isn't a debate question, however I am just curious to know if there is available anywhere online or in pdf form the 1598 Beza Greek New Testament? This being I think primary edition of what we now know as the Textus Receptus that was used in...
  3. Joshua83

    Prayer for a special close friend battling breast cancer.

    Hello all, I haven't posted on this site in years, and I apologize for that. I have a good close friend, her name's Amelia, age 25 years, and she's been battling breast cancer for about 4 years now. She tells me she's frightened of losing both breasts. I don't know what stage it is in, but she...
  4. Joshua83

    Baptist College of America

    As someone who feels called to and desires and plans to be a pastor one day, I was wondering what you guys know of this place Baptist College of America (sorry if this has already been discussed): Baptist College of America - Home
  5. Joshua83

    prayer for my step-daughter's health

    I awoke this morning to find this offline message on yahoo messenger from my (future/soon-to-be) sister in-law: hazel_coolz: hi!.. josh..wer r u now?..nway,..i wil just inform u that kikish was rush in the hospital at around 6:30 am..she has a comvulsion..the doctor advised us to bring her to...
  6. Joshua83

    need help

    I'm need of a prayer request. As stated in older posts of mine I do have a few disabilities. And so when it comes to things like getting a driver's license or finding a job or whatever it maybe I do of course need some assistance in that despite that I do have high function aspergr's and can...
  7. Joshua83

    prayers for parents' marriage

    my parents have been arguing the past few days, for who knows why, and I pray myself that peace and love will soon return to them both, but I am also asking you my fellow believers, brothers and sisters in christ to if you would also do this. And if muslim or jew or any non-christian who reads...
  8. Joshua83

    visa processing time

    I apologize now if I put this in the wrong section on CF, please forgive me if I have done so. But I'm wondering if anybody knows of the processing for the the Fiance(e) or K-1 VISA? On the website, it says the processing time varies from case to case, but is there a general...
  9. Joshua83

    please pray for the economy

    as we all know america's economy as well as the world's economy really is doing really bad. just pray for this that things will get better with the economy.
  10. Joshua83

    Coptic Church History

    Does anybody know where I can find information about the history of the Coptic Orthodox Church from say the time of the Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ (circa 33 AD) up through to the reign of the current Pope, HH Shenouda III? I would like to find information on the history of the Church...
  11. Joshua83

    prayers needed for family crisis

    I need you guys and gals on here to pray for my family. I have a younger cousin, who had stolen rims from my younger brother's car, as well as some bikes. And my grandparents whom I had gone to church with, are seemling defending my cousin who is not only a thief, but has bragged about it. It...
  12. Joshua83

    pray for the economy

    my prayer request is for the America's economy which as everybody knows is just terrible right now. I pray things get better soon for our (America's) economic situation.:crossrc: :crosseo:
  13. Joshua83

    Heath Ledger found dead at age 28

    So young too... :crosseo: :crossrc: :angel: [wash my mouth][wash my mouth]"]
  14. Joshua83

    Ghostbusters the Video Game

    I want to know if anybody knows of this new game coming out next year, fall 2008? It was announced November 14th I think, and apparently is going to be on all current platforms - Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, PC, etc. Interestingly enough is that Bill Murrary has agreed to reprise his role as Peter...
  15. Joshua83

    a litter of puppies needs some prayers

    :crossrc: :crosseo: :pray: :prayer: my aunt's giant schnauzer recently had a litter of puppies, 7 boys 4 girls. Three of them 1 boy and 2 girls, this morning were on their death bed's already just a few days into life. The two girls have survived, but 1 boy puppy didn't make it more or less...
  16. Joshua83

    looking for a new "home" church to attend

    earlier this year I had found a new home church, a baptist one, to attend for the first time in about a good 15 years, give or take a couple years. For 7 months I had gone there, March through October 2007. Now I once again am unchurched and seeking a new one. 2007 has been a year of great...
  17. Joshua83

    Coptic Orthodoxy in the Philippines

    Does anybody know anything of the Coptic Church (or any Oriental Orthodoxy) in the Philippines?:confused: :pray:
  18. Joshua83

    Coptic Orthodoxy in the Philippines

    Does anybody know anything of the Coptic Church (or any Oriental Orthodoxy) in the Philippines?:confused: :pray:
  19. Joshua83


    I haven't had a job in 3 years and I am currently and even almost desperately, but not quite, seeking new employment. Not only that but I am seeking a good apartment in my birthplace of Atlanta, Georgia particularly near Conyers, GA (I'm currently living in Elkhart, Indiana). Please pray for...
  20. Joshua83

    what is nahawa lang ako?

    I've heard the term nahawa lang ako recently. I was wondering if anyone here could tell me what it means?