Search results

  1. Mallon

    Biblical cosmology

    For those interested in why evolutionary creationists don't read their Bible as a science textbook, here are two excellent articles by Brian Godawa that explain: Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography in the Bible, Part 2 | The BioLogos Forum Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography in the Bible, Part 3 | The...
  2. Mallon

    Human brain evolution

    Just stumbled across this. Thought mark might be interested. Tiny Variation in One Gene May Have Led to Crucial Changes in Human Brain
  3. Mallon

    New science resource for Christians (Test of FAITH)

    From the website Test of FAITH "There is a huge need for accessible materials on science and Christianity for everyone who is interested in these issues. With the Faraday Institute starting up at the beginning of 2006, this was the ideal opportunity to fill the gap. After some initial...
  4. Mallon

    I thought this was interesting...

    An article from the ICR arguing that God "intelligently designed" the killer projectile tongue apparatus of the chameleon: Chameleon Tongue Inspires Robotic Design Not quite sure how that's supposed to fit in the YEC framework. Was it supposed to be used to 'hunt' immobile plants before the fall?
  5. Mallon


    This is pretty cool: "Evograms are diagrams that convey information about how a group of organisms and their particular features evolved. Evograms contain a lot of information, so they cannot be easily digested in a few seconds. However, they are worth understanding because they convey...
  6. Mallon

    Another transitional fossil found

    You won't hear this from Answers in Genesis, but another transitional fossil was just reported that has a middle ear half-way between that of a 'reptile' and a mammal. Here's the news release: Long-sought fossil mammal with transitional middle ear We've actually found fossils with this...
  7. Mallon

    Peter Enn's lecture on Adam

    Theologian Peter Enns (the same guy that Ken Ham ranted about recently, getting himself kicked out of the homeschooling conference) has a really interesting lecture posted on his blog, discussing the relationship between Adam and Israel. Check it out! YouTube - Lecture: Erasmus Lecture --...
  8. Mallon

    AiG disinvited from homeschooling convention

    I thought this was interesting. Apparently, Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis have been disinvited from a YEC homeschooling convention because of Ham's public and disrespective attitude toward some some fellow Christian scholars who were also invited but do not accept YECism.
  9. Mallon

    Creationism in Canada

    A new poll just came out re: the prevalence of creationism in Canada. Some of the findings: "A new national poll discussed in the Toronto Globe and Mail (March 21, 2011) indicates that 14 percent of Canadians think that God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years...
  10. Mallon

    “Dinosaur” petroglyphs at Kachina Bridge site

    It is commonly claimed by neocreationists that man and dinosaurs once lived together, and that evidence for this exists in the form of a petroglyph depicting a sauropod at the Kachina Bridge site at Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah. This idea was recently critically evaluated by a...
  11. Mallon

    natural vs. supernatural

    I thought this article was interesting: Naturalizing the Supernatural: How evolutionary ideas steal glory from God It advocates that if we can use science to explain miracles given in the Bible, we are stealing glory from God. What do you think? Is God less powerful in your eyes if He...
  12. Mallon

    Misconceptions about Evolutionary Creationism (or Theistic Evolution)

    I can honestly say that I don't think I've met an anti-evolutionary creationist on this forum who actually understands the position of evolutionary creation. It seems that misconceptions about our position abound. Therefore, I thought it might be helpful if we started a thread that dispels the...
  13. Mallon

    Nice graphic demonstrating macroevolution via microevolution

    I thought this was neat:
  14. Mallon

    feathered dinos

    I stumbled across a neat little gallery on the Nat Geo website displaying pictures of feathered dinosaur fossils and the like: Feather Evolution - Photo Gallery - National Geographic Magazine Enjoy. :thumbsup:
  15. Mallon

    Merry Christmas!

    Someone had to start a Christmas thread, so I thought it had might as well be me. Merry Christmas, folks... particularly to my YEC friends with whom I so often disagree on origins issues. May our celebration of Christ's birth overshadow any minuscule disagreements we may share concerning other...
  16. Mallon

    Chimp genome again

    Don't know whether anyone's been keeping tabs on YECist Todd Wood's blog lately, but I thought this latest posting might be of interest: Todd's Blog: Chimp genome again
  17. Mallon

    Galileo Was Wrong

    Is anyone here going to the "Galileo Was Wrong" symposium in support of biblical geocentrism this November? Galileo Was Wrong Apparently, not only does the Bible teach geocentrism, but True Science (TM) supports geocentrism, too.
  18. Mallon

    Dinosaurs Did Not Exist!!!

    This was kinda fun: The tone of argument is familiar.
  19. Mallon

    Using creation science to demonstrate evolution

    There was an interesting article published recently in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology that uses statistical techniques (or rather, exploratory techniques), often employed by neocreationists to demonstrate gaps between 'baramins', for the purpose of showing that there is no appreciable gap...
  20. Mallon

    21 Facts that Evolutionists CAN'T ANSWER!

    Watch and weep, evilutionists! YouTube - 21 Facts that Evolutionists CAN'T ANSWER!