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  1. Yukikyo

    Prayer for a friend

    I'm a bit depressed right now. And feel lost. My best friend of at least 8 years has recently started going out with a girl. She's never done this before and has only had interest in guys. It shocks me and hurts me that something like this can happen. I don't know whats worse is that...
  2. Yukikyo

    Friend in the Hospital

    I have a friend thats in the hospital, and we're not sure on her condition. Trouble is, she lives in Japan and I'm in the US, so there is no easy way I can visit her. She told me she has bad blood flow and would need an operation to make it flow better to her heart. She's always been a sickly...
  3. Yukikyo


    I saw that there were some topics about this, but they're all dead. XD So..How many people here like JRock? I for one love it. alice nine and versailles would ahve to be my favorite bands.
  4. Yukikyo

    Looking for Japanese pen pal

    こんいちは. I know a little Japanese and was thinking it would be great to have a Japanese pen pal/internet friend. Hope its ok to post here. I know someone did ealier and they got some reponses. Nice to meet you all. and I hope to make some Japanese christian...
  5. Yukikyo


    My friend has started reading this series, and I am not sure if I would like it. As far as I know, it has cat people and mabey Yaoi. What I am wondering is if it is Yaoi. I can't stand yaoi so I was wondering if this was somthing to read
  6. Yukikyo

    Finding a Way

    I have been struggling with ways that I could witness to people. I have never witnessed to people before, and it would feel akward to talk about with my friends. But I do stick up for what I belive in. I think I have finnaly found a way to witness to people. I am a computer/forum junkie and...
  7. Yukikyo

    The New Ones-A Chobits Role Play

  8. Yukikyo

    Believe It

    Hello, I am a newbie here. But no newbie to forums. I found this place through Big This place looks awsome. I have lurked through here before and am happy to register
  9. Yukikyo


    I am boarder line ADD. Today I found it really difficult to focus on my work. When I was in the 5th grade, I did take a test for ADD, and came out border line. Its hard to concentrate in school when my friends are winding me up.