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  1. clairefish

    Words beginning with 'R'!!!!! (3)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "Words beginning with 'R'!!!!! (2)"
  2. clairefish

    Words beginning with 'R'!!!!! (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "Words beginning with 'R'!!!!!"
  3. clairefish

    Hi Tony

    I see you peeking in from time to time. Hope all is well for you. :)
  4. clairefish

    Matthew the Mouse This is something I wrote for my grandchildren years ago. If you get the chance to read it, make sure you have your sound turned on. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do each year. Merry Christmas and remember the Reason for the Season! :)
  5. clairefish

    Smile makers...

    I was making phone calls at work today and a lovely sounding lady answered, "This is Heaven, how may I help you?" I had to ask her to repeat herself, same thing the second time. I smiled for an hour after that. Another phone call and I had to ask a physicians name. The dear lady on the phone...
  6. clairefish

    A Christmas Plea

    Please donate to your local ASPCA this Christmas. Please. Thank you.
  7. clairefish

    Words beginning with 'R'!!!!!

    There might already be a thread with this title, but we have had ten solid hours of blissful, life saving, fire quenching, God given and glorious RAIN here in central Texas and it's still coming down strong!! Thank you, LORD JESUS, AMEN!! :)
  8. clairefish

    That big ol' moon ain't so big... Looking for something cool to do tonight? :)
  9. clairefish


    Has anyone else noticed the delightful choices you have with Google now? I use it as my homepage because I use it more than anything else, and now they have given us oh so many choices of themes and artwork! So many different artists to chose from, I personally like the Michael Leunig selection...
  10. clairefish

    Lights out!

    Has anyone else used Google and seen that it's black in honor of Light's Out? It's cool! :) I have made every effort to keep lights out today. It's kinda cloudy so my house is a bit dark. But it's a good cause. Anyone else helping?
  11. clairefish

    Spring Style Show

    Is anyone interested in having a CF character spring style show here in GE? I have extra blessings to share (thanks to my blessings benefactor and you know who you are!) and would be glad to share the wealth. Maybe in honor of spring coming? We could maybe ask someone from another forum to...
  12. clairefish

    Plans for Sunrise Services?

    I'm going to be in Galveston next Sunday and we are all going to attend the services on the beach. Last time I was there on Easter, we were on the beach and the minister was saying a prayer. Just as he said amen, the tide starting coming in. We had wet feet, but it was moving and beautiful...
  13. clairefish

    Sign o' the times, hopefully!

    This was the first thing I noticed when I took Emily out for a walk this morning. It was in my driveway and I just had to share it. :)
  14. clairefish

    Your BirthVerse

    Today is my middle daughter's 35th birthday and one of her many 'gifts' was her oldest daughter, Erin, reading her BirthVerse to her mom. I was so touched by this and I asked Erin where she came up with that idea. She told me that she found it on the internet. It's this site...
  15. clairefish

    Missing Eagles

    Has anyone kept in contact with MommySue? I haven't seen her post for some time and I can't seem to find any old posts to see if she is still active. She is such a dear person. I know when I was absent from here for awhile, I got a few emails asking about how I was doing. That was very...
  16. clairefish

    The Seventeenth Chapter

    A Sunday school teacher was giving her class the assignment for the next week. "Next Sunday," she said, "we are going to talk about liars, and in preparation for our lesson I want you all to read the Seventeenth Chapter of Mark." The following week, at the beginning of the class meeting, the...
  17. clairefish

    Thank You

    I have to say 'Thank You' and this is the only way I can do it. You know who you are, I do not. For whatever reason you did what you did, I thank you. But please know that I would do more if I could. :wave: <3
  18. clairefish

    God in the workplace

    Thank you, Amadeus.
  19. clairefish

    The Crosswalk (in three parts)

    Dave is fixing this for me!
  20. clairefish

    Hi there, Big Dave

    :wave: Hi there, Big Dave! :wave: :wave: :wave: