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  1. BananaSlug

    My "Embedded Age" Challenge

    "Embedded Age" is the scenario where God created the Earth in a state of "maturity without history". In other words, the Earth is physically ~4.5 billion years old without 4.5 billion years of history. Existentially, the Earth is ~6100 years old, so there is ~6100 years of history. This...
  2. BananaSlug

    Argument for ID (just for fun)

    Intelligent Design is a valid scientific hypothesis, and the designer is matter/energy. Not only did matter/energy develop the universe and everything in it, it also comprises the universe and everything in it. Ask questions (see how long I can keep it up)!
  3. BananaSlug

    Taking questions on Creationism.

    Considering I used to be a YEC, I am taking any questions on Creationism.
  4. BananaSlug

    Better Apple Challenge

    I hand you an apple. I tell you I created this apple ex nihilo. What line of reasoning would you use to believe me or not? Should you believe me?
  5. BananaSlug

    Plasma Cosmology vs. "Big Bang" Cosmology This is a continuation of the informal debate that occured in the "Does 'Goddidit'" thread. The general theme of plasma cosmology is that the electromagnetic force is primarily responsible for the shape of the universe, whereas the...
  6. BananaSlug

    Humans are animals...

    "Humans are animals". This seems to ignite a lot of arguments between scientists and creationists. To all of the scientists, define the word "animal". Explain why humans fit this definition. To all of the creationists, define the word "animal". Explain why humans do not fit this...
  7. BananaSlug


    If creationists are so hung up on saying "Goddidit" as an answer to any creation related question, why bother trying to give a coherent explanation in the first place? Instead of trying to give a pseudoscientific answer about floodwaters going to Neptune, a "different state" past or the like...
  8. BananaSlug

    Answering questions on Evolution

    This thread is for honest questions about evolution. The simplest definition for evolution I can think of: Theory of Evolution: allele frequency change over generational time that can result in physical changes in structure and/or changes in behavior that leads to speciation. The Big Bang...
  9. BananaSlug

    Been gone a while...

    I know I've been gone for a while. I was just hired at a local high school to teach CP Biology I. I have witnessed first hand the scientific illiteracy today's new generation is growing up with. It is very sad but maybe I can plant the spark of scientific discovery and critical thinking in a...
  10. BananaSlug

    Bad Logic

    Though I doubt it will do squat, I decided to create a thread on the terrible logic that many creationists have. When trying to debate with an "atheistic evolution-accepter" bad logic will make your cause look even more foolish. Here are some examples. Creationists love using the probability...
  11. BananaSlug

    Fundamentalism and Intellectualism

    Why does it seem that so many fundamentalist Christians are against intellectualism? My father really looks down on universities and anyone who has a bachelor's degree or above. Of course my mom who is about to get her Doctorate in December is pretty upset (it's not that he's jealous, he truly...
  12. BananaSlug

    God and Science

    Ok, after reading a few other posts I've noticed something I need to immediately attempt to explain. Science cannot ever, nor ever should, attempt to find or verify the existence of a supernatural supreme being. Why? Here is an example: In science, we have to use the scientific method to...
  13. BananaSlug

    Lesson of the Flood Story

    Though this thread does not have any explicit evolutionary content, I believe it is important because it will show what spiritual truth people take from the Biblical stories. Anybody can answer. What was the lesson/moral that the flood story taught? Genesis 6 The Ark Prepared 13 And...
  14. BananaSlug


    This thread is not pointed to anyone in particular. I've decided I wanted to clarify the reasoning of some of my information dense posts. In the realm of scientific debate evidence is the number one priority. If someone wants to engage in a scientific discussion about anything yet dreads...
  15. BananaSlug

    "Embedded Age" and Why it's Wrong

    "Embedded age" is a theological belief in how God created the earth. Just as God created all of the plants, animals and humans in a state of maturity, he created the earth with "embedded age." This allows them to believe the earth is only around 6,000 years old yet shows signs that it is 4.5...
  16. BananaSlug

    Nat Geo's Morphed

    I watched the Morphed episodes a few days ago. Was anybody else who watched it as dissapointed as I was? They mentioned Archaeopteryx and Microraptor gui, but failed to mention the many other fossils that have been found; Mononychus, Confusiornis, Caudipteryx, etc. They also failed to mention...
  17. BananaSlug

    How to properly defend creationism.

    Since it seems many YEC's on this board are having a hard time defending their religious beliefs, I've decided to show them how to properly defend creationism. 1. The Earth is only 6,000 years old. -God created a fully mature earth just as he created fully mature plants and animals...
  18. BananaSlug

    Punctuated Equilibrium

    I received a "challenge" from a member of this forum a while back to explain punctuated equilibrium in terms a kindergardener would understand. Here I go... Gradualism states that evolution occurs uniformly throughout lineages. In this view, evolution is viewed as usually smooth and...
  19. BananaSlug

    "Think of the Children!"

    "Think of the children" or something to that line is often used to try and make certain things illegal or morally wrong. We should keep marijuana illegal "because of the children." Don't let them read morally questionable books about (homo)sexuality. Don't let them play without a...
  20. BananaSlug

    What is Sin?

    Most Christians assume "sin" is the opposite of what God wants you to do (God told Moses to touch the rock for water and instead he struck it). I do not believe in "sin" or God but what if "sin" is simply our primitive survival instincts? Bear with me a second... Murder- many animals kill...