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    Oh Praise Him

    Has anyone heard that song done by David Crowder? It's fantastic. I think that everyone should give it a listen if you haven't. God bless!
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    Writing a book...

    Hey, I posted this over in the teen forum but I thought I would throw the thought and idea out over here. I am writing a book about growing up as a Christian teen, the book will focus on experiences from the age of 13 until I graduate from college. I am writing this book with my girlfriend...
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    Persecution at School...

    I thought I would bring this up for teens, but what does everyone here do to battle persecution at school? I help enlarge a prayer group EVERY morning, we hold hands and we pray out loud in the middle of the hall, in a part of the school where almost everyone hangs out. Let me know what...
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    Death of a friend, please pray...

    I need prayers for the family of my belated friend Anna, who died last night at 1:40 A.M. from a drug overdose. I believe she is in Heaven, she was a believer, and she was a christian. I am having a bit of a hard time with it, but I just ask that you pray for her family and ask God to help...
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    Lessons from 1st Corinthians...

    Well, tonight I started my new set of devotions, I am doing 5 chapters a day from 1st Corinthians to complete it by Friday. I learned alot today, especially in light of my relationship with God and his foundations he has built. I learned that Jesus Christ, is metaphorically and literally a...
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    What's your favorite play?

    What's is everyones favorite play / opera here? My favorite play is either The Music Man or Fiddler on the Roof, and my favorite opera is The Phantom of the Opera. Just curious what everyone else's taste is, I am curious to see what others think. Thanks!
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    Hey everyone, I just thought that I should let you all know to check out Xanga, it's a web-log community that has a christian section. My website is, and you can find the home site at Check it out, it's really neat!
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    Pensecola Christian College

    Has anyone been to Pensecola here, and if so, could you tell me of your experience? I am planning to go there and I was just wondering if anyone here could tell me what it's like! Thanks alot!
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    No more video games!

    This testimony was inspired by a post in the video games section and I thought I would share my testimony with you about a certain time in my life. About 2 years ago, I dreadfully discovered video games and decided that I wanted to fall in love with them. So I unfortunatly did, and ended up...
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    An intro from AndrewD!

    Hey everyone! I haven't introduced myself here yet though I have been posting alot. My name is Andrew, I come from Cadillac, Michigan in the United States. I am a Christian Baptist. My belief in God comes before and for everything in my life. I am going to be attending college at...
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    Completed my fasting...

    I just wanted everyone to know that I recently completed a 13 week fast from drinking soda! I successfully completed the fast and I am now planning to fast from television for at least 6 weeks. So I will keep you updated on that, but please pray for me! Thanks!
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    Some courting advice...

    I really felt like God was calling me to share this with someone. I have been courting a girl named Elizabeth for 3 months and one day now, and every time we pray (every day, on the phone or together) God answers a new prayer for us. We have had the most amazing summer simply because we...